The Faculty Senate standing committees and their subcommittees have been assigned functions by the Senate to enable the Senate to carry out its purposes.
The Faculty Senate standing committees and their subcommittees have been assigned functions by the Senate to enable the Senate to carry out its purposes. All Senate standing committees are responsible to the Senate; their subcommittees are responsible to the parent committees. Both the standing committees and their subcommittees may in some cases also report committee views to an administrative officer(s) of the institution. The official year for the Faculty Senate extends from August 16 to August 15 of the following year.
Members of the standing committees and their subcommittees of the Senate, except where the contrary is indicated, are elected by the Senate on the basis of nominations from the Committee on Committees and from the Senate floor. Campus faculty governance units can request that the Committee on Committees reserve a seat on the specified committee to be appointed by the campus faculty governance unit. Any individual may be elected by the Senate to its committees, and subcommittees may include members who are not members of the parent committee. With the exception of the Admissions & Enrollment Committee, Budget Committee, the Faculty Affairs Committee, the Committee on Committees, and the Steering Committee, there must be student representation equivalent in number to at least twenty-five percent of the voting faculty members. All committees should have representation from at least three geographical regions.
Unless otherwise indicated, the terms of members and chairs (other than assigned or ex officio members) are staggered three-year terms that expire on August 15 of the year indicated. Normally, a committee member can serve up to two consecutive terms before taking a one-year minimum break prior to serving again. Only under extenuating circumstances and by vote of the Committee on Committees can committee assignments extend beyond two consecutive terms (six years). In such cases, a one-year extension will be standard but can be extended to a full three-year term at the discretion of the Committee on Committee. Vacancies on Senate committees and subcommittees of less than one academic year will be filled by action of the Senate Steering Committee based upon nominations submitted by the Committee on Committees. Such action will be reported to the Senate. Vacancies of one academic year or longer will be filled through nomination by the Committee on Committees and Senate election.
Whenever possible, all Faculty Senate committee meetings should be scheduled in ADA compliant facilities.
Committee assignments are updated as needed.
*It may take up to 30 minutes before your vote shows on the page.