
WSU Everett campus of Washington State University, Tuesday, August 27, 2019.
Central view of the Vancouver Campus the Firstenburg fountain of Washington State University, Thursday, August 29, 2019.
Washington State University
Faculty Senate
Representing All Faculty Across the WSU System

Faculty Forum

To facilitate communications about ideas, suggestions, opinions, and feedback the constituent concerns page has been updated to the faculty forum. In addition to posting your concerns, you are welcome to add suggestions for solutions and ideas for improving WSU, as well as kudos — what you see that is going well.

Proposal Tracking

The Faculty Senate meets on the first and third Thursday of every month to move forward on actionable processes relating to new degrees and a variety of changes to academic proposals. For ease of access, the Faculty Senate keeps a tracking sheet of agenda items and pending new degrees.


Meetings Minutes

Meeting Minutes: April 4, 2024

Guest Presentation: End of Year Address with President Kirk Schulz and Provost Elizabeth Chilton, Executive Vice President & Chancellor, WSU Pullman. Faculty Senate Tenure & Promotion Recognition. Review of the Ad Hoc Salary Step Committee Report. Remarks by Faculty Senate Secretary, Matthew Hudelson – 2nd round ballots for the Faculty Senate Chair-Elect Executive Election were released by email to faculty senators By Monday, March 25th, and 2nd round ballot counts […]

Meeting Minutes: March 21, 2024

Guest Presentation: Institutional Research Review with Executive Director of Institutional Research, Stephanie Kane (PDF). Board of Regents listening sessions are underway Faculty Senate Chair, Eric Shelden will be moderating the state of the university address is happening next week on March 26th, 2024, on the WSU Everett campus. Mention of the March 2024 Senate Chair Blog prepared for your review and reference.

Meeting Minutes: February 29, 2024

MINUTES  Guest Presentation: University Budget & Finance Review with Leslie Brunelli, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration (PDF) Call to Order at 4:11pm Approval of minutes from the February 15, 2024 faculty senate meeting (PDF). Announcements Information Items The faculty senate executive officers met with the Office of the Provost on Tuesday, February 20th. […]

Meeting Minutes: February 15, 2024

MINUTES    The Faculty Senate met on Thursday, February 15, 2024, in French 130D and via Zoom. Fifty-five (55) senators were present with twenty-eight (28) absent, five (5) vacancies and twenty-two (22) non-voting members present. The meeting was called to order by the Senate Chair, Eric Shelden at 4:00 pm. Guest Presentation: WSU International Programs […]
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