Senate Committee Application

Would you like to connect with other faculty and make a positive difference? By serving on a faculty senate committee, you can have a meaningful impact on things that matter and learn more about how the university works. Participation can be an enjoyable and meaningful part of your academic life and can go on your annual review.

Senate committees soliciting faculty representation include:

  • Academic Affairs Committee
  • Admissions & Enrollment Committee
  • Budget Committee
  • Catalog Subcommittee
  • Faculty Affairs Committee
  • Graduate Studies Committee
  • Library Committee
  • Research and Arts Committee

The Committee on Committees makes recommendations to the faculty senate on committee appointments each spring based on the applications received throughout the year.

Send us an email at if you have any questions about the faculty senate representative self-nomination process.

The Deadline to submit information is rolling.

Vote: 0

*It may take up to 30 minutes before your vote shows on the page.