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Faculty Senate ad hoc committee response to athletic funding

Update 2/24/2021: Letter to the Board of Regents and President Schulz’s reply are linked below Background On December 15, 2020, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee formed an ad hoc committee to formalize a statement to the Board of Regents concerning the proposal that 2-3 million dollars be diverted from unallocated university funds in order to […]

January 22 2021 Board of Regents Retreat

Update January 27, 2021 Given that the framework for ONEWSU will be explained in a series of whitepapers and coordinated with the WSU System Council, I have moved this discussion to a page linked in the menu. Comments posted here have been moved as well. As we learn more about ONE WSU, we will share […]

WSU Faculty Senate Meeting January 21, 2021

Guest Presenters: No Presenters. Minor Change Bulletin #7. Remarks by the Chair – David Turnbull. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the plan revision in PSM in Electrical Power Engineering. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee regarding the Board of Regents Future Action Item: FY2021 Athletics Budget Update and a Plan for Fiscal Recovery […]

Concerns with Workday Personal Profile Section

In the “Personal Profile” section of Workday, there is a required gender field containing problematic language that both others trans-binary individuals and ignores all other gender non-conforming identities. Since reviewing the Personal Profile is an explicit direction in the “First 30 Days” manual, the likelihood of multiple individuals being affected is high. At this time, […]

Free parking for students seeking services is no longer available at Cougar Health Services.

Posted for Faculty Senate’s consideration on behalf of the Clinical Psychology Graduate Student Organization: To Whom it May Concern, This is an open letter in response to the recent decision by WSU Cougar Health Services administration to implement a parking fee for the parking lot in front of the Washington building. The building this lot […]

President’s Response to Athletics Spending

Dear Colleagues, On November 10, 2020, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee published a blog post outlining a proposal by the university to the Board of Regents to help fund athletics as part of a fiscal recovery plan. President Schulz has read your responses to this proposal and will address them in the senate tomorrow, December […]

WSU Faculty Senate Meeting December 10, 2020

Guest Presenters: President Schulz and VP Stacy Pearson, Athletics Budget and a fiscal Recovery Program. Faculty Senate Officers met with Provost Chilton on November 23, 2020. Extend BA to Business Administration in Everett. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved revisions to the bylaws: EMT Program. These are available on the department’s website […]

New Grading Policy – No Record COVID

No Record COVID (NRC) At the request of Provost Chilton, on November 19, 2020 WSU Faculty Senate passed a new temporary grading policy called No Record Covid (NRC) that may be applied retroactively fall 2020 and spring 2021, after grades post. With this new temporary policy, students may elect to covert letter grades of C-, […]

Assigning designations to our 6 campuses

On September 30, 2020, President Schulz included in an email to the university community the suggestion of using descriptors for the different campuses. I ask that this be reconsidered. Offering some campuses with a specific descriptor (e.g., HEALTH SCIENCES CAMPUS: SPOKANE; FLAGSHIP CAMPUS: PULLMAN) but not others (e.g., REGIONAL CAMPUSES: EVERETT, TRI CITIES, AND VANCOUVER) […]

WSU Faculty Senate November 19, 2020 Agenda

Guest Presenters:
VP Colleen Kerr, Legislative Updates, AVP Lisa Gehring, HRS Update. Minor Change Bulletin #5. WSU Faculty Legislative Representative – Stephen Bollens. Remarks by the Chair – David Turnbull. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #3 […]