Recent Posts

Parental Leave

Post The parental leave policy at WSU does not meet the needs of many 9-month faculty who teach. Specifically, leaves tend to be granted for 12 weeks (per federal FML policies), often starting the day a person has or adopts a child. Because leave is 12 weeks , so it’s been a challenge to work […]

Salary Equity Update

The faculty senate executive officers met with the provost’s team on December 15, 2022, and asked for an update on the salary equity process. The intent of the process this year was to identify salaries that were more than a standard deviation below the mean and to raise them to at least that level. In […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: January 19, 2023

Guest Presentation: Employee Assistance Program Overview & WSU Health / Wellness Benefits (PDF) Darrow Brown, Workforce Support & Development Program Director, Ann Monroe, WSU, Director, Benefits. The faculty senate officers met with the university president & provost on January 11th, 2023. The faculty senate chair will report to the board of regents on January 27th, 2023 […]

Workday Problems During Job Applications

Post Hello, I am chairing a search committee in my school. Applicants are required to upload 8 documents (such as, CV, job market paper, DEI statement, etc.). Screening begins Dec. 1st. We found out that applicants are having the following issues: 1. Inability to upload all documents. 2. Inability to view or edit their application […]

Graduate Student Unionizing

As you have no doubt heard, our graduate students are now represented by the United Autoworkers Union. The graduate student/union bargaining team will soon be beginning negotiations with the WSU bargaining team to build an initial collective bargaining agreement. During the bargaining process, it is important that faculty not do or say anything that creates […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: December 8, 2022

Guest Presentation: OneWSU (PDF) Chris Hoyt, Vice President, Strategy, Planning, and Analysis; Chief of Staff. The Faculty Senate Officers met with the university President & Approval of Business Administration, PhD Bylaws. Minor Change Bulletin No. 5. Provost on November 28, 2022. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair, Christine Horne […]

Washington State Changes to FLSA

Post RE: Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) is requiring us to pay staff and, more importantly, postdocs overtime if they work more than 40 hrs in a week and earn less than a salary threshold that increases from 1.75x of the statewide minimum wage in 2022 ($52,743.60) and increases to 2.5x the statewide minimum wage […]

Summer 2023 Start Date

Post In 2022, there was confusion regarding announced and retracted changes to the 2022 summer semester start date, specifically that there would be a week of time between the end of spring finals week and start of summer classes. This change was announced, but apparently did not get Faculty Senate approval in time for the […]

Global Campus Hiring For Instruction

Post Has faculty senate thoroughly discussed what it means for Global to be a campus, particularly if it begins to hire for instruction? With the new budget model, there may be reason to be concerned about the investments units and colleges have made in Global courses and majors, and that enrollment moving forward would then […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: November 17, 2022

Guest Presentation: Graduate School & Professional Programs (PDF) Tammy Barry, Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Education. The Faculty Senate will report to the Board of Regents on November 18th, 2022. Faculty Senate Officers will meet with university leadership on November 28th, 2022 […]