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WSU Task Force Re: 2023 News and World Report Rankings

Forum Post I would be interested in hearing an update from the faculty senate representative(s) to the Task Force investigating the 2023 US News and World Report college rankings. I have read the Executive Summary of the report, and frankly still have as many questions as before reading it. Thank You. ~Gary Haldorson, CVM Faculty […]

Parking on the Pullman Campus Remains Exorbitant

Forum Post The cost of parking on the Pullman Campus remains absurdly high, particularly for faculty and staff located in the central part of campus where parking is most expensive and in the highest demand. This issue comes up almost annually and administration always responds that the legislature requires that parking be self-supporting and that […]

Provide Retirement Options That Do Not Include Fossil Fuel Investments

Forum Post I’ve reached out to the HRS about fossil fuels in our retirement options and they only referred me to the Social Choice Equity Account via TIAA. Unfortunately, that one has 8% fossil fuel investments, including Exxon, Conoco Philips, Chevron, etc. Given our experiences with destabilization of our climate, causing extreme heat, wildfire, flooding, […]

Meeting Minutes: March 23, 2023

Guest Presentation: Native American Relations & Programs Zoe Higheagle Strong, Vice Provost for Native American Relations & Programs; Tribal Liaison to the WSU President Minutes The Faculty Senate met on Thursday, March 23, 2023, in French 130D and via Zoom. Fifty-nine (59) senators were present with twenty-six (26) absent and seventeen (17) non-voting members present. […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: September 21, 2023

Guest Presentation: New Academic Year Welcome with President Kirk Schulz; The faculty senate executive officers will meet with the provost leadership team on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. The faculty senate chair will present to the board of regents on Friday, September 15, 2023. […]

Board of Regents – Public Comment

Forum Post Dear colleagues, I registered to provide a public comment during the June 8-9 Board meeting; public comment is listed as item XII on the agenda, Board of Regents Meeting Notice, June 8-9, 2023. I was not able to attend in person, but I received written confirmation from Desiree Jacobsen, Director of Board Operations […]

360 Degree Evaluation

Forum Post I am writing to request evaluations of members of the senior administration on the Vancouver campus. It has been well over three years since faculty have been asked to undertake the 360 Degree Evaluation of any of our leadership. With the university having returned to regular operations following the pandemic, it is time […]

Au Pairs as a Potential Solution to Childcare Concerns

Forum Post Faculty member Anne Marie Guerrettaz provided the information below regarding au pairs: If you are looking for (creative) solutions to the childcare shortage that affects many faculty, you might consider seeing how WSU can build some alliances with au pair agencies to recruit childcare from abroad. Au pair programs bring international childcare providers […]