Recent Posts

WSU System Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities

Dear Faculty, Over the past several weeks, many of you have shared examples of successes, challenges, and opportunities surrounding system-level administration.  To model successes, address challenges, and take advantage of opportunities, President Kirk Schulz has asked his cabinet (chancellors, deans, and vice presidents) to formalize system-level roles and responsibilities. As a first step, President Schulz […]

WSU Faculty Senate Agenda October 17, 2019

WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, October 17, 2019 in FSHN T101, Spokane SCRS 222, Tri-Cities TEST 228 and Vancouver VUB 311 at 3:30 p.m. ZOOM INFORMATION FOR OFF-CAMPUS SENATORS If you are on the Pullman campus, please attend the meeting in person. Join Zoom Meeting Phone one-tap: US: +16465588656,,704829290# […]

Provost Search

For the second time in a row, an external provost search has ended with the selected provost stepping down to become a regular WSU faculty member within the first weeks of assuming the office. In the first case, under President Floyd, the person was paid his full provost salary for seven years after stepping down, […]

WSU Faculty Senate Agenda October 3, 2019

WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, October 3, 2019 in FSHN T101, Spokane SCRS 222, Tri-Cities TEST 228 and Vancouver VUB 311 at 3:30 p.m. Zoom information for off-campus senators If you are on the Pullman campus, please attend the meeting in person. Join Zoom Meeting Phone one-tap: US: +17207072699,,926363613# […]

Fall 2019 Senate Update

To start the year off right, senate leadership pledges to operate with transparency, respect, and civility. We may have some difficult issues to discuss this year as we continue to evolve faculty manual policy (see below). We ask that on this issue, and all others, we focus on policy, encourage respectful discourse (including dissent), and […]

Canvas LMS Pilot Update

ITS, AOI, and Faculty Senate worked together to establish a pilot test of the Canvas LMS in summer 2019. We are currently running an expanded pilot test with 1000 FTE student users fall 2019 with staged increases in FTEs each semester.  By fall semester 2021, Canvas is expected to replace Blackboard. This switch from Blackboard […]

Strategic Planning – Faculty Involvement

I have been representing faculty senate on the Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Committee (SPIEC), which is charged with crafting the university’s new five year plan.  As part of this effort, SPIEC has reviewed feedback from provost-sponsored listening sessions, the recent WSU Land Grant Symposium, a pilot survey administered this summer, and an all-university survey […]

Faculty Raises

Given the confusion surrounding the recent announcement on faculty salary increases, I asked Stacy Pearson to provide more information.  Her response is below. The state legislature did authorize a 3 percent increase for all employees. However, they provided some funding (approx. $7M of the $12M needed) and estimated that the University could make up the […]

Low Course Evaluation Response Rates

Faculty in our department, which includes many large enrollment undergraduate courses, have ongoing concerns about low response rates for course evaluations, particularly given that these evaluations are typically among the primary data available for determining effectiveness in teaching for annual evaluations and promotion decisions. To improve response rates, various faculty are using a variety of […]

Categories: General