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Why is WSU not screening and routinely testing for Covid-19? Why do we not have asymptomatic testing available even on a voluntary basis? Other universities seem to be able to handle the logistics, short-term, expense, etc. Why is it that we just do the minimum and then just hope it doesn’t blow up in our […]

Fall 2021 mask mandates

Given changing guidance from the CDC for vaccinated people, and the likely spike in cases as many people move into town in August and begin mixing on and off campus, why not require all students, faculty, and staff to mask?

proliferation of senior administrative positions

The new OneWSU org chart has 4 administrators with new “expanded” roles. It seems obvious that some or all of these will have to be duplicated in the future to separate their responsibilities. For example, certainly it would not seem appropriate for the VP for Research for the whole system to also be the Vice […]

Categories: OneWSU

Executive Policy 2 Updates

Link to the Memo from Christopher Keane, Vice President for Research EP2 concerns the distribution of indirect costs (F&A) at the unit, college and campus levels.

Using a tuition increase to provide relief to students is self-defeating

[Please post anonymously. Thank you!] I applaud the intention to “support mental health, housing, and food insecurity services for students and will provide additional tuition waivers for students who are having difficulties paying for college” described in this article on the proposed tuition increase: . However, I’m concerned that raising tuition to fund these […]

Student vaccination requirement

Is WSU considering requiring students to prove they have been vaccinated before allowing them back on campus? I believe Rutgers is requiring it and there are several other schools that are considering it. Is WSU? I’m not going to feel safe if students are going to misbehave and not follow rules, like wearing a mask […]

Questions surrounding return to face-to-face Instruction in the fall

Anonymous constituent concern from 4/7/2021. These questions relate to all campuses. Who are the members of the WSU Testing, Attestation, and Contact Tracing (TACT) Committee, their departmental/campus affiliations, and how can members of the university community contact them with concerns or questions? We have learned that a 3-foot distancing requirement is to be implemented in […]

Responses to Faculty Senate Follow up Questions on Athletics

1. Can we get a definition of terms: deficit, debt, accumulated deficit, capital debt – and then allocated #’s to each of those terms? Deficit refers to the annual operating deficit due to expenditures exceeding revenues. While Athletics has been operating in a deficit for many years, they are on a program to eliminate their […]

On the question of OneWSU effects on promotion and tenure

On April 6th, 2021, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee met with Provost Chilton and her team to discuss faculty concerns. Faculty have expressed continuing concern about earlier suggestions that the OneWSU initiative would lead to changes in the promotion and tenure processes at WSU. Provost Chilton said during this meeting that it was very clear […]

Concerns of Faculty Regarding Fall 2021 Instructional Modes and Transparency of Decision-making

Shared on behalf of constituent faculty members: We understand that there is still much uncertainty about the Fall 2021 semester and that plans are in flux. However, the current planning strategy is causing frustration and concern among some faculty, especially because the communication to faculty from the Provost’s Office has been sparse and vague. The […]