Recent Posts

Costs to Move The President Downtown

What are the costs of moving the president and the Office of the President to Downtown Pullman? What are the costs of moving the chancellor/provost into the president’s former office suit? What are the benefits, beyond symbolic? Like concerns about the creation of more administrative positions, one has to question if this is a priority […]

More on Administrative Expenses

Dear Colleagues: This past fall your Executive Committee engaged President Schulz and Provost Chilton in discussions about WSU’s administrative overhead. This has been a concern amongst the faculty in general, particularly with the attention to restructuring leadership with a One WSU focus. Provost Chilton and Fran Hermanson (Director of Institutional Research) addressed our concern by […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: March 3, 2022

Guest Presentation: Faculty Senate & Enrollment Management, Saichi Oba, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, Andrew Brewick, Director of Enrollment. Formal nominations for the Faculty Senate Chair Elect position opened on February 3, 2022 and closed on February 15th at 5:00pm. The Chair-Elect ballot is now open to senators and will close on March 22nd at 5:00pm […]

How does WSU Spend ‘Grant Lands’ Revenue?

Dear Colleagues: On January 27th we received a constituent concern about how the money raised from the 1890 land grant to WSU are expended. These lands were originally expropriated from tribal nations. This concern has been raised previously including in senate and during meetings between the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the President and Provost. […]

Reasonable Accommodations

Last fall we had several discussions about how presumptively vulnerable faculty and staff might be reluctant to seek reasonable accommodations for fear that causing extra work or impacting the unit’s budget might lead to subtle or explicit resentment or retaliation in terms of annual reviews and opportunities for career advancement. In short, this issue could […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: February 17th, 2022

Guest Presentation: Faculty Legislative Focus (PDF) Dr. Steve Bollens, Faculty Senate Legislative Representative. Formal nominations for the Faculty Senate Chair Elect position opened on February 3, 2022 and closed on February 15th at 5:00pm. The Chair-Elect ballot is now open to senators and will close on March 22nd at 5:00pm […]

What is Happening with SPS?

Dear Colleagues, Sponsored Programs Services (SPS) is an important unit at WSU that is tasked with, among other things, setting up accounts when faculty are awarded grants and contracts, and invoicing expenditures. There have been numerous complaints about SPS service and the backlog of accounts needing attention (exceeding 800 at the beginning of the academic […]

Concerns about administrative bloat

Dear Colleagues: Speaking for your Faculty Senate Officers, I can confirm that we receive a lot of input about constituent concerns whether it be through our concerns website, Senate Steering and Senate meetings, or through discussions and emails. The path to addressing such concerns is, frankly, much smoother when we have data-informed discussions. Here is […]

Tracking materials through Faculty Senate

Dear Colleagues: During the constituent concern segment of the February 3rd Faculty Senate meeting, we discussed the perennial challenges of tracking paperwork through the committee review process. We agree that it is a challenge, but there are also a multitude of moving parts, a lack of standardized nomenclature, and different requirements for different reviews. Given […]

Activity insight…Yes, it’s that time!

Dear Colleagues: If it hasn’t happened already, you will soon be asked to embark on the annual ritual of preparing your materials for your annual reviews, and this invariably includes working with Activity Insight to document your efforts. Many of us have traditionally entered the minimal amount of information to ease the pain of this […]