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Meeting Minutes: November 17, 2022

Guest Presentation: Graduate School & Professional Programs (PDF) Tammy Barry, Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Education   Minutes The faculty Senate met on Thursday, November 17, 2022 in Lighty 403 and via Zoom. Sixty-five (65) senators were present with fourteen (14) absent and twenty (20) non-voting members present. The meeting was called to order […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: November 2, 2023

Guest Presentation: University Budget and Finance Review with Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration, Leslie Brunelli. The faculty senate executive officers met with President Schulz and Provost Chilton on October 31, 2023. The Faculty Senate Chair, Eric Shelden will present to the Board of Regents [….]

Social Media Use and Statement on Israel-Hamas War

Forum Post A constituent reached out concerned about the virtual silence from the university regarding the attack by Hamas on Israel. The constituent wrote to President Schultz directly about this and he replied that he realized several people connected to the university system have been affected and that his guidance for the academic year to […]

Meeting Minutes: November 3, 2022

Guest Presentation: Information Technology Services Review (PDF) Sasi Pillay, Vice President & Chief Information Officer Michael Walters, Assistant Vice President & Chief Information Security Officer Tony Opheim, Associate Vice President & Deputy Chief Information Officer   MINUTES The faculty Senate met on Thursday, November 3, 2022 in Lighty 403 and via Zoom. Sixty (60) senators […]

Meeting Minutes: October 20, 2022

  Guest Presentation: Enrollment Management (PDF) Saichi Oba, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management   MINUTES   The faculty Senate met on Thursday, October 20, 2022 in Lighty 403 and via Zoom. Fifty-nine (59) senators were present with twenty (20) absent and twenty-one (21) non-voting members present. The meeting was called to order by Chair, Christine […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: October 19, 2023

Guest Presentation: COACHE Survey Update with Laura Hill, Senior Vice Provost. The faculty senate executive officers met with the Office of the Provost leadership team on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. The faculty senate executive officers will meet with President Schulz and Provost Chilton […..]

Meeting Minutes: October 6, 2022

  October 6, 2022 Guest Presentation: WSU Student Affairs & Student Care (PDF) Ellen Taylor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Jenna Hyatt, Dean of Students & Assistant Vice Chancellor Student Well-Being Presentation (PDF) Questions: How is information being disseminated to students and what are the best ways for faculty to share this information. -J. Miller […]

Meeting Minutes: September 22, 2022

Guest Presentation: New Academic Year Welcome President Kirk Schulz, WSU System Provost Elizabeth Chilton, Executive Vice President & Chancellor, WSU Pullman Minutes Call to Order. 4:05pm. The faculty Senate met on Thursday, September 22, 2022 in Lighty 403 and via Zoom. Seventy-two (72) senators were present with nine (9) absent and twenty-two (22) non-voting members […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: October 5, 2023

Guest Presentation: Global Campus & AOI Update with Dave Cillay, Global Campus Chancellor (PDF). The faculty senate executive officers met with Interim Vice Provost for Academic Engagement and Student Achievement, Bill Davis on October 4th. The faculty senate executive officers met with the provost leadership team on[…]

WSU Research Enterprise Global Ranking

Forum Post I submitted the question below to the September 22nd WSU Pullman Town Hall webinar but it was unfortunately not selected for a live response. Thus, I am submitting here in hopes that the executive administration will provide a response. Question: It is concerning to see WSU drop in global rankings that reflect the […]