Constituent Concerns

Parking on the Pullman Campus Remains Exorbitant

Forum Post The cost of parking on the Pullman Campus remains absurdly high, particularly for faculty and staff located in the central part of campus where parking is most expensive and in the highest demand. This issue comes up almost annually and administration always responds that the legislature requires that parking be self-supporting and that […]

Provide Retirement Options That Do Not Include Fossil Fuel Investments

Forum Post I’ve reached out to the HRS about fossil fuels in our retirement options and they only referred me to the Social Choice Equity Account via TIAA. Unfortunately, that one has 8% fossil fuel investments, including Exxon, Conoco Philips, Chevron, etc. Given our experiences with destabilization of our climate, causing extreme heat, wildfire, flooding, […]

Board of Regents – Public Comment

Forum Post Dear colleagues, I registered to provide a public comment during the June 8-9 Board meeting; public comment is listed as item XII on the agenda, Board of Regents Meeting Notice, June 8-9, 2023. I was not able to attend in person, but I received written confirmation from Desiree Jacobsen, Director of Board Operations […]

360 Degree Evaluation

Forum Post I am writing to request evaluations of members of the senior administration on the Vancouver campus. It has been well over three years since faculty have been asked to undertake the 360 Degree Evaluation of any of our leadership. With the university having returned to regular operations following the pandemic, it is time […]

Please Review Administrators on Vancouver Campus

Forum Post Faculty on the Vancouver campus have repeatedly asked for 360 degree evaluations of campus administrators (in particular, the VCAA office) through the Council for Faculty Representation (please see minutes throughout the year). The VCAA has stated that such an evaluation is not required and faculty should come directly to her with concerns. Faculty […]

Washington State Changes to FLSA

Post RE: Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) is requiring us to pay staff and, more importantly, postdocs overtime if they work more than 40 hrs in a week and earn less than a salary threshold that increases from 1.75x of the statewide minimum wage in 2022 ($52,743.60) and increases to 2.5x the statewide minimum wage […]

Global Campus Hiring For Instruction

Post Has faculty senate thoroughly discussed what it means for Global to be a campus, particularly if it begins to hire for instruction? With the new budget model, there may be reason to be concerned about the investments units and colleges have made in Global courses and majors, and that enrollment moving forward would then […]

Historical WSU COLA Salary Adjustments vs. Consumer Price Index

Concern Hi!  My constituents are continually concerned about the differences in inflation vs. WSU cost of living adjustment (COLA) increases.  I know we are subject to what the legislature allocates, but WSU administration also obviously has a large amount (50% ?) of control over this.  To show historical differences, I used COLA increases from my […]

Constituent Concern: Athletics’ deficit-spending

Concern Despite the President’s pledge last September, there is still no university plan for the Athletics Department to repay the over 80 million dollars it currently owes WSU for covering years of Athletics’ deficit-spending ways. At the September 23, 2021 Faculty Senate meeting, President Schulz agreed that it was important for the university to put […]