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Impact of resuming Pac-12 football in Pullman this Nov

On September 24th, Pac-12 officials announced resumption of football games, including three scheduled for Martin Stadium (Nov. 14th, Nov. 27th, and Dec. 12th). Fans will not be allowed into the stadium, but WSU has a long history of enthusiastic “tail gating” as an alternative means of attending and supporting football. From a public health perspective, […]

Adjustment to Spring 2021 Academic Calendar

I’m concerned with WSU making such changes to the academic calendar in regards to spring break without considering the actual functional purpose within the academic structure for faculty, students and staff. That said, this is not enough time for faculty to do field work or make changes to research plans. I would rather see us […]

Proposed changes to S2021 academic calendar

Dear Senators, I would like to voice my concerns on the proposed changes to the Spring 2021 academic calendar. I understand the reasoning behind the benefits for delayed start section, but I disagree that finals week can be counted as a week of instruction; 1) no class meetings other than the final exam time is […]

Altered Spring Schedule

I am writing in support of the proposed change to the Spring semester schedule. Such a change seems wise from a COVID-19 perspective. Additionally, from a faculty perspective, it would give an additional 2 weeks to prep Spring classes for online delivery. While we had all summer to work on fall classes, the winter break […]

WSU’s use of, and statements supporting, ProctorU and/or other proctoring technologies

On Friday, September 25th Provost Chilton sent out a statement about the University’s utilization of ProctorU to “monitor tests administrated remotely.” As a faculty member and librarian, this statement felt wholly insufficient to address real concerns held by students, parents, and other stakeholders. Not only did this statement insufficiently address issues of privacy and surveillance, […]

Adjustment to Spring 2021 Academic Calendar

The memo sent by the Provost proposes to start two weeks later, which means January 25th, 2021. However, the memo mentions Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a day off. What’s the “official” beginning of Spring 2021 semester date that the Provost is using to base the proposed change on? According to the Registrar, next […]

Report from September 17-18

Report to Faculty Senate For my first meeting as the faculty representative to the Board of Regents, I was unsure of my role and participation. I have since learned more and updated the website linked in the menu called Faculty Representation on the Board of Regents.  I will post reports on this page for your […]

Categories: BoR

WSU Faculty Senate Meeting October 8, 2020

Guest Presenters:  Melanie Neuilly, Catherine Cooper, Jill McClusky – WSU Salary Study. Faculty Senate Officers met with the provost on September 29, 2020. Minor Change Bulletin #2. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved new bylaws: These are available on the department’s website. Remarks by the Chair – David Turnbull […]

Request from Provost Chilton – Spring 2021 Academic Calendar Revision

UPDATE: Provost Chilton has provided the following revised memo to address faculty concerns. Given the significance and timing of this recommendation, we will conduct a vote using Zoom chat on Thursday, October 8, 2020. For those senators calling in, we will use a roll vote after we tally the chat responses. Updated memo version 2 […]