Recent Posts

COVID-19 Transmission in Classrooms?

Dear Colleagues, Faculty and students are continuing to express concern about the safety of face-to-face instruction while the omicron wave is hitting our communities. Recent statements by the President and Provost about finding no cases of in-class transmission are viewed with incredulity. Afterall, most instructors have knowledge of students missing class presumably due to COVID-19 […]

Vice-chancellor Position & Administrative Expenses Concern

One of the constituents in my college has concerns about the new vice-chancellor position. “In light of WSU’s higher than average expenditures on administration versus instruction compared its peers. I think the senate should consider if this new vice-chancellor position is actually needed, and should open a dialogue with the Pullman Chancellor concerning this issue.” […]

Addressing Workplace Misconduct

Dear Colleagues: We recently completed a Qualtrics survey for information about the challenges that faculty face with staff recruitment and retention. As part of this survey, we received several responses on unrelated topics. In a couple cases, we received comments suggesting that the respondent has encountered issues of sexual discrimination, retaliation, favoritism, and nepotism. I […]

Constituent Concern Re: Land Grant Revenue

How does WSU spend ‘Grant Lands’ revenue? During the December 9, 2021 Faculty Senate meeting with Provost Chilton and VP Pearson regarding the WSU budget plan, I asked for information regarding the annual revenue produced by tribal lands granted to WSU in 1890. Provost Chilton helpfully suggested that I provide my questions in writing so […]

Mask Distribution at WSU & COVID Funding

Dear Colleagues: At the January 20th Faculty Senate meeting, a question arose about the fate of the WSU strategic stockpile of KN95 masks. I checked with our Deputy Chief of Staff and Director of Strategic Initiatives and Communications, Hailey Rupp, and she indicated that the original stock of 4,800 masks have already been distributed. Please […]

COACHE and Academic Analytics

Dear Colleagues – On January 20th, Senior Vice Provost Laura Hill presented information about the upcoming ‘Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education’ (COACHE) survey that will be launched by late February. This effort is in response to a funded request from the legislature, and it offers an important opportunity for faculty to provide feedback […]

Constituent Concern: Athletics’ deficit-spending

Concern Despite the President’s pledge last September, there is still no university plan for the Athletics Department to repay the over 80 million dollars it currently owes WSU for covering years of Athletics’ deficit-spending ways. At the September 23, 2021 Faculty Senate meeting, President Schulz agreed that it was important for the university to put […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: February 3rd, 2022

Guest Presentation: WSU Office of Research, Christopher Keane, Vice President for Research & Vice Chancellor for Research, WSU Pullman. Formal nominations for the Faculty Senate Chair Elect position will open on February 3, 2022. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Doug Call, COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation Guidance Tool […]

Concern for In-person Classes during the Omicron Outbreak

I have had numerous constituents concerns from the Vancouver campus. To summarize: As the Omicron variant develops and we know more about it, it looks like the original message from December is already dated ( In particular, regular 2-dose vaccination is not as effective in combating Omicron, and the new strain is MUCH more transmissible. […]

Teaching with Remote Options

Dear Colleagues – Bill Davis, Interim Vice Provost for Academic Engagement and Student Achievement, recently shared some correspondence that may be useful for anyone considering the idea of incorporating online course delivery. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Question 1: When considering a change that includes remote delivery, can […]