Recent Posts

Budget Transparency

Forum Post Please provide detailed tables (not charts) for the last 5 years, at a minimum, showing the following: The income, expenditures, and outflows of each unit (assuming a unit is in the black). This includes each instructional unit, professional unit (e.g., nursing, the medical school, and the vet school), athletics, administration, facilities, parking, housing […]

February Announcement

Dear Colleagues, In recent days there have been several news articles in which faculty concerns have been raised about WSU’s trajectory and leadership. The text of these concerns have been posted to the faculty senate forum website here, along with responses made by the president (PDF) and Board of Regents (PDF). I hope these resources […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: February 29, 2024

University Budget & Finance Review with Leslie Brunelli, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration. Ballots for the Faculty Senate Chair-Elect Executive Election were released on February 26th and are due on at 5:00pm on Tuesday, March 19th. The Faculty Senate Chair, Eric Shelden will present to the Board of Regents on Friday, March 8th.

Meeting Minutes: January 30, 2014

Faculty Senate Minutes Regular Meeting January 30, 2014 The Faculty Senate was called to order by Robert Rosenman, Chair on Thursday January 30, 2014, in FSHN T101 at 3:30 p.m. Forty-four (44) members were present with seven (7) absent and eight (8) nonvoting members present. Minutes of November 14, 2013 meeting were approved as circulated. […]

Meeting Minutes: November 14, 2013

Faculty Senate Minutes Regular Meeting November 14, 2013 The Faculty Senate was called to order by Robert Rosenman, Chair on Thursday November 14, 2013, in FSHN T101 at 3:30 p.m. Thirty-six (36) members were present with fourteen (14) absent and six (6) nonvoting members present. Minutes of October 10, 2013 meeting were approved as circulated. […]

Some Problems and Potential Solutions

Forum Post Dear Colleagues, A subgroup of five members from a larger group of senior faculty met with President Schulz, Provost and Executive Vice President Chilton, Executive Vice President and Spokane Chancellor DeWald, and Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Brunelli  (08-30-2023 — Review PDF for context). Six overarching issues negatively impacting the WSU […]

Time for a Change at WSU

Forum Post The following statement was drafted by a group of senior WSU faculty who are deeply concerned about the future of WSU and the University’s leadership. They wish to remain anonymous for fear of retribution. Faculty may have already been forwarded an email with the statement along with an associated URL to an anonymous […]

Entering Class of Graduate Students

Forum Post It seems that Graduate Programs will likely have to accommodate the newly negotiated salary increases for Graduate/Teaching/Research Assistants within the existing resources. In my department, we are currently not permitted to offer scholarships to graduate applicants. The effect will be detrimental to our graduate programs as our reputation and introductory graduate class offerings […]

Meeting Minutes: January 18, 2024

Minutes   The Faculty Senate met on Thursday, January 18, 2024, in French 130D and via Zoom. Sixty (60) senators were present with thirty (30) absent and nineteen (19) non-voting members present. The meeting was called to order by the Senate Chair, Eric Shelden at 4:01 pm. Guest Presentation: Faculty Regent, Judi McDonald Call to Order. […]

Meeting Minutes: December 7, 2023

Minutes    The Faculty Senate met on Thursday, December 7, 2023, in French 130D and via Zoom. Sixty (60) senators were present with thirty (30) absent and twenty-five (25) non-voting members present. The meeting was called to order by the Senate Chair, Eric Shelden at 4:01 pm.   Guest Presentation:  WSU Chief of Police, Gary […]