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Increase in VP Roles

Forum Post How many Associate and Assistant VPs does WSU Pullman have now? Is there an updated organizational chart reflecting the most recent hires in 2022-2023 that can be shared with faculty that includes the names of the people holding these positions? Finally, how many of these positions have been created in the last three […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: February 16, 2023

Guest Presentation: WSU Office of Research Updates (PDF) Christopher Keane, Vice Chancellor for Research and Vice President for Research, Dan Nordquist, Deputy Vice President for Research Operations, Kim Christen, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Advancement and Partnerships. The faculty senate officers will meet with the provost leadership team on February 21, 2023 […]

Good News for WSU

Forum Post Good news for WSU – WSU Nets Top 100 Ranking Among U.S. Universities – WSU Insider  Response For insight into the university ranking methodology, scroll down to the section on university rankings from this link. Note that rankings include “leading scholars” rather than all faculty at a university. Christine Horne Faculty […]

Parking is Crazy Expensive

Forum Post The cost of parking for faculty and staff is outrageous. For example, $850 for an orange permit or $600 for a green permit is outrageous. By comparison, across town at U of I, the most expensive parking permit is $395. That makes parking 115% more expensive when comparing our Orange permits to U […]

WSU Pullman Childcare

In an effort to better understand the constraints in the WSU Children’s Center, we met with their interim director and assistant director. As we know, Pullman struggles to maintain sufficient childcare. The WSU Childcare Center plays an important role. But it has an 12-18 month waiting period with 200+ children on its waiting list. The […]

A Compensation Strategy for Faculty is Needed at WSU

Forum Post To meet its mission and vision WSU must invest in its faculty. The College and University Professional Association for Human Resources has shown that there is a national failure for higher ed pay to keep pace with inflation. This comes as no surprise to those of us who are on the faculty at […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: February 2, 2023

Guest Presentation: COACHE Survey Results and Review with Laura Hill, Senior Vice Provost.

The faculty senate officers will meet with the president and provost on March 20th, 2023.
The faculty senate chair presented to the board of regents on January 27th, 2023. Professional Health Sciences Major Change Bulletin No. 1 […]

Why are we not allowed to comment on graduate student unionization?

Post I am concerned that the guidance we have received thus far from the institution regarding the ongoing WSU graduate student unionization process essentially prevents faculty and staff from showing any support/opinion on that process. I would like to see clarification, perhaps from an outside source, on what legal protections there are for faculty and […]

Waitlist up to 18 months at the WSU Children’s Center

Post In December of 2022, The Learning Center closed in Pullman. This left many families scrambling for childcare and many have had to find an arrangement that is less than ideal (half day care etc.,). Infant care in the area is largely unavailable. WSU has a childcare center on the Pullman campus which is open […]