Recent Posts

Please Review Administrators on Vancouver Campus

Forum Post Faculty on the Vancouver campus have repeatedly asked for 360 degree evaluations of campus administrators (in particular, the VCAA office) through the Council for Faculty Representation (please see minutes throughout the year). The VCAA has stated that such an evaluation is not required and faculty should come directly to her with concerns. Faculty […]

A Message From the Office of the President

On February 2nd, a group of senior faculty at WSU submitted a letter to President Schulz with questions about a number of challenges that WSU faces. The president issued a response on March 9th. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee has been granted permission from the president and from the letter signatories to post this important […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: April 6, 2023

Guest Presentation: End of Year Address with President Kirk Schulz

Information Items
The faculty senate officers will meet with the provost leadership team on April 27, 2023.
The faculty senate chair will present to the board of regents on May 5th, 2023. Review the 2023-24 Senate meeting schedule
Minor Change Bulletin No. 10 […]

Re-Imagining WSU’s Research Enterprise

Forum Post We write to express our concerns about the stagnant research enterprise at WSU. While we have many things to be proud of, neither of us are content with our current rankings and overall, we feel that a re-imagining of WSU’s research enterprise and recognition that we are not progressing at a pace expected […]

ChatGPT & AI

Forum Post Over the course of this semester, I have noticed a few trickles of students trying to use AI to do their work for them. It seems easy enough to spot at the moment because it reads like gibberish and isn’t about the reading assignment at all. I would like to know a few […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: March 23, 2023

Guest Presentation: Native American Relations & Programs (PDF)

Zoe Higheagle Strong, Vice Provost for Native American Relations & Programs; Tribal Liaison to the WSU President

Information Items
The faculty senate officers met with the president and provost on Monday, March 20, 2023.
The faculty senate chair will present to the board of regents on May 5th, 2023.

Faculty Senate Executive Election […]

Widespread Faculty Concerns about the Athletics Budget

Forum Post On February 21, 2023, Von Walden, Glen Duncan, and I delivered a letter to President Schulz, Provost Chilton, and Board of Regents Chair Dickinson describing faculty concerns about the Athletics Budget Update presented as Information Item #1 to the Board of Regents last month. We allowed WSU faculty to view and sign the […]

Faculty Senate Agenda: March 2, 2023

Guest Presentation: Legislative Update (PDF)

Steve Bollens, WSU Faculty Representative to the Washington State Legislature

Information Items
The faculty senate officers met with the provost leadership team on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.

The faculty senate officers will meet with the president and provost on Monday, March 20, 2023.
The faculty senate chair will present […]