Meeting Minutes: October 8, 2015

Faculty Senate Minutes
Regular Meeting
October 8, 2015

The Faculty Senate was called to order by Richard Zack, Chair on Thursday October 8, 2015, in FSHN T101 at 3:30 p.m. thirty-seven (37) members were present with nine (9) absent and six (6) nonvoting members present.

Minutes of September 24, 2015 meeting were approved as circulated.

  1. Announcements (Information items).
    1. Information Items.Senate Officers met with the President on September 29, 2015.
    2. The Provost’s Office is proposing that faculty pictures be included with each student’s schedule of classes in the same way the sutdent’s pictures are posted on the class lists. They will use the picture on file with Cougar Card.
    3. The Research & Arts Committee has reviewed and approved the 5-year self-study of the IMPACT Center.
    4. Graduate Studies Committee has approved: Mathematics Department Bylaws and these are available on the department’s website.
    5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve revisions to Academic Rules 104 and 105 (Exhibits F F1 ) – These rules were previously approved by AAC and the Senate on 4/16/15.
  2. Announcements (Reports).
    1. Remarks by the Chair.—R. Zack
      1. Reminder of the meet and greet at Birch & Barley on October 22, 2015
        Presidential forum seeking input from faculty will be held on the Pullman and urban campuses, watch for dates and times
    2. Orsmby Award presented to Carol Black, Joan Wu and Patty Chantrill, along with Interim Co-Provost Erica Austin presented the award.
  3. Additions or Changes to the Agenda. None.
  4. Agenda Items (Action Items).
    1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #1 (Exhibit P )
      1. Motion Carried.
    2. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the changes to the Faculty Manual – Section IV H/ Copyrights (Exhibit C1 C2 C3 )
      1. Motion Carried.
    3. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the changes to the Faculty Manual – Appointment of Chairs and Directors (Exhibit D )
      1. Motion Carried.
    4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve revisions to Academic Rules 116 and 117 (Exhibits G G1 )
      1. Motion Carried.
    5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve College of Nursing: Revisions to plan requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice Family Nurse Practitioner (Exhibits H H1 )
      1. Motion Carried.
    6. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve College of Nursing: Revisions to plan requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (Exhibits I I1 )
      1. Motion Carried.
    7. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve College of Nursing: Revisions to the Certification/ Graduation Requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (Exhibits J J1 )
      1. Motion Carried.
    8. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #1 (Exhibit U)
      1. Motion Carried.
    9. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the revisions to Rules 80 and 81 with the added sentence, “ In cases where an alternate time may be needed to accommodate conflicts, instructors may contact the Registrar’s Office for that additional scheduling”, the renumbering of items contained in the memo and approving the exception so Rules can be implemented Spring 2016 (Exhibit K)
      1. Motion carried.
  5. Agenda Items (Discussion Items).
    1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the revisions to Rules 80 and 81 and approve an exception so Rules can be implemented Spring 2016 (Exhibit K)
      1. Discussion: Motion moved and seconded to move this to an action item with an added sentence as noted: “In cases where an alternate time may be needed to accommodate conflicts, instructors may contact the Registrar’s Office for that additional scheduling”.
        1. Motion Carried.
    2. Recommendation from Research & Arts Committee to approve the Metropolitan Applied Research and Extension Center in CAHNRS (Exhibit L)
      1. Discussion: A question arose asking if this was a new center or a way to formalize a system already in place?
        1. It was noted that this was a new process.
    3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #2 (Exhibit M )
      1. Discussion: None
    4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate School Revision for the Policies and Procedures for Graduate School Guidelines for Professional Master’s Degree Program (Exhibits N N1)
      1. Discussion: None
    5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the 701 Master Capstone ProjectExamination Credit for the Graduate School Revision for the Policies and Procedures for Graduate School Guidelines for Professional Master’s Degree Program (Exhibits O O1 )
      1. Discussion: A question arose asking if student credits were variable?
        1. It was noted that was correct.
  6. Constituents’ Concerns.
    1. A question arose asking if the Senate could reconsider course lab fee policies and this matter will be investigated by Senate officers.
    2. A concern was raised regarding the inconsistency of application of Annual Review guidelines. It was noted that Administration is aware of this concern and Senate Officers will follow up.
    3. A matching campaign for Planned Parenthood is available. For more information, contact Senator Donna Potts.
  7. Adjournment.
    1. The meeting adjourned at 4:01 p.m.
      1. Sheila Converse, Executive Secretary
Vote: 0

*It may take up to 30 minutes before your vote shows on the page.


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