Meeting Minutes: April 14, 2016

Faculty Senate Minutes
Regular Meeting
April 14, 2016

The Faculty Senate was called to order by Richard Zack, Chair on Thursday April 14, 2016, in FSHN T101 at 3:30 p.m. thirty-seven (37) members were present with ten (10) absent and six (6) nonvoting members present.

I move that the University Faculty recommend to the President and the Board of Regents that, effective at the closing dates for each graduating class, those undergraduate and professional students who have completed degree requirements and whose names remain on the “Official List of Degree Candidates” be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the classes of May 2016, August 2016, and December 2016. Motion carried

I move that the University Faculty recommend to the President and the Board of Regents that, effective at the closing dates for each graduating class, those graduate students who have completed degree requirements and whose names remain on the “Official List of Degree Candidates” be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the classes of May 2016, August 2016, and December 2016. Motion carried

Minutes of March 31, 2016 meeting were approved as circulated.

  1. Announcements (Information items).
    1. Information Items.
      1. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated Bylaws for the Health Policy and Administration which are available on the department’s website
      2. Minor Change Bulletin #10 (Exhibit B)
      3. Senate Meeting Dates for 2016-17 academic year
  2. Announcements (Reports).
    1. Remarks by the Chair.—R. Zack
    2. Remarks by Ken Casavant, Faculty Athletic Representative
    3. Remarks by Adam Jussel, Academic Integrity Task Force
  3. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.
    1. Motion to move Discussion Item #6 to an Action Item.
      1. Motion carried.
  4. Agenda Items (Action Items)
    1. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #10 (Exhibit C)
      1. Motion Carried
    2. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal revised requirements for Master and PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Exhibits D D1)
      1. Motion Carried
    3. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a Graduate Certificate in Applied Measurement and Quantitative Methods (Exhibits E E1)
      1. Motion Carried
    4. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal to revise graduation requirement for MS in Neuroscience (Exhibits F F1)
      1. Motion Carried
    5. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal to revise graduation requirement for PhD in Neuroscience (Exhibits G G1)
      1. Motion Carried
    6. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a Graduate Certificate in Education Technology across the Curriculum (Exhibits H H1)
      1. Motion Carried
    7. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a revised graduation requirements for MS in Material Science & Engineering (Exhibits I I1)
      1. Motion Carried
    8. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a revised graduation requirements for Master of Arts in Strategic Communication (Exhibits J J1)
      1. Motion Carried
    9. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for the Master of Science in Software Engineering (MSSE) New Program Proposal (Exhibits K K1)
      1. Motion Carried
    10. Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee to approve changes to the Faculty Manual regarding in Section V.E.2 Annual Review Non-Tenure Track (Exhibits L L1)
      1. Motion Carried
    11. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 68, Withdrawal from a Course (Exhibit AA)
      1. Motion Carried
    12. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #10 (Exhibits CC CC1)
      1. Motion Carried
    13. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin # 9 (Exhibit DD)
      1. Motion Carried
    14. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on the BA in Chemistry (Exhibits EE EE1 EE2 EE3 EE4)
      1. Motion Carried
    15. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on the BS in Data Analytics (Exhibits FF FF1 FF2)
      1. Motion Carried
    16. Recommendation from the Steering Committee for the Senate to consider the request to amend the proposal approved at Senate on 02.25.16 (see below). This would elevate sub-plans to majors of the three Communication degrees (Exhibits S S1 S2)
      1. Motion Carried
  5. Agenda Items (Discussion Items).
    1. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for Change degree name from Master of Arts in Foreign Languages and Cultures to Master of Arts in Hispanic Studies (Exhibits N N1)
      1. No Discussion
    2. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a request to revise requirements of the Graduate Certificate in Molecular Bio-sciences (Exhibits O O1 O2)
      1. No Discussion. (note: this was asked to be removed from the agenda by the department on 05/09/16)
    3. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a request to revise sub-plan requirements of the EE Professional Science Masters in Electrical Power Engineering (Exhibits P P1)
      1. No Discussion
    4. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for the subplan requirements for the PhD in American Studies: Ethnic Studies (Exhibits Q Q1)
      1. Discussion: It was noted that only graduate students with funding were being accepted.
    5. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for the subplan requirements for the PhD in American Studies: Women’s Studies (Exhibits R R1)
      1. No Discussion
    6. Recommendation from the Steering Committee for the Senate to consider the request to amend the proposal approved at Senate on 02.25.16 (see below). This would elevate sub-plans to majors of the three Communication degrees (Exhibits S S1 S2)
      1. No Discussion ( note: clarification of a sub plan was provided)
  6. Constituents’ Concerns.
    1. A concern arose regarding Global Campus offering courses that have been condensed into a seven week course from a full semester for undergraduates. It was noted the Executive Officers will bring this issue to the attention of the Provost.
    2. An additional concern arose regarding inadequate resources for faculty teaching large classes The Executive Officer will bring this to the attention of the Provost.
    3. Chair Zack thanked everyone for their hard work throughout the year and reminded all to please attend the faculty reception immediately following.
  7. Adjournment.
    1. The meeting adjourned at 4:46 p.m.
      1. Sheila Converse, Executive Secretary
Vote: 0

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