Meeting Minutes: September 19, 2019

Faculty Senate Minutes

Regular Meeting

September 19, 2019

The Faculty Senate was called to order by G. Crouch, Chair on Thursday September 19, 2019, in FSHN T101 at 3:30 p.m. forty-one (41) members were present with twenty-one (21) absent and nine (9) nonvoting members present.

Minutes of April 11, 2019 meeting were approved as circulated.

  1. Announcements (Information items).
    1. Information Items.
      1. Faculty Senate Officers met with the provost on April 23, May 21
      2. Faculty Senate Officers met with the president on April 15, August 21
      3. Minor Change Bulletin #1 (Exhibit B)
      4. Amended Senate Meeting Dates 2019-2020 (Exhibit C)
      5. Summer Items passed by Steering Committee
        1. SOE 592 Syllabus revision (Exhibits D D1)
        2. Admission to the Major requirements (formerly certification requirements) (Exhibit E)
        3. Revise Rules 9 & 102 (Exhibit F)
        4. Faculty Manual edits (Exhibit G)
      6. Steering Committee and Faculty Affairs Committee have approved the Notice of Intent(NOI) in accordance with the MOU guidelines to approve the Creation of the School of Information  (Exhibits H  H1)
      7. Steering Committee  has reviewed and approved the proposal to Extend the Bachelor of Science in Earth and Environmental Science to Global (Exhibits I I1 )
      8. Undergraduate Major Change Correction Bulletin #1 (Exhibits J)
      9. Research & Arts Committee has reviewed and approved
      10. Name Change of the Washington State University Materials Research Institute (WSU- MRI) to the Washington State University Institute of Materials Research (WSU-IMR)  (Exhibits K  K1) T.Barry/L.Day
  2. Announcements (Reports)
    1. Remarks by the Chair – Greg Crouch
    2. It was reported that Jeannette Mageo stepped down from her role as past chair as she was granted sabbatical and that A.G. Rud was appointed as Faculty Senate Past Chair
    3. Denise Yost, former Faculty Affairs Chair has taken another position at the University of Maryland and Steve Hines has agreed to chair Faculty Affairs Committee
    4. For current updates between the Faculty Senate meetings please see the Faculty Senate Blog on our website
    5. Laura Hill will be the new Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
    6. Please make sure to attend the Visioning conference
    7. Senate leadership will be meeting monthly with the president and provost, with our first meeting on September 24, 2019
    8. Remarks by Interim Associate Vice Provost – Melanie Neuilly
  3. Additions or Changes to the Agenda – none
    1. Agenda Items (Discussion Items).
      1. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #1 (Exhibit L)  A.Dimitrov/U.Uchila
        1. No Discussion
      2. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Certificate in Bioinformatics (Exhibits M M1 )  A.Dimitrov/U.Uchila
        1. No Discussion
      3. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs to approve the revision to the Faculty Manual on Changes to the Faculty Manual in Section IV I:  Use of Faculty Authored, Edited Or Prepared Scholarly Material ( Exhibits O  O1  O2P) – S. Hines
        1. No Discussion
      4. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the UCORE Bulletin #1 (Exhibits P) – K.Hildenbrand
        1. No Discussion
      5. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Revision to Rule 82 religious observances (Exhibits Q)  – K.Hildenbrand
        1. No Discussion
      6. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the revision to Rules 38, 106, 111 and to eliminate Rule 42 new terminology “admission to the major” (Exhibits R) K.Hildenbrand
        1. No Discussion
      7. Recommendation from Professional Health Science Committee to approve the ESFCOM for Future Academic Calendar Dates (Exhibits S  S1) J. Mattoon
        1. No Discussion
      8. Recommendation from Professional Health Science Committee to approve the revision to Rule 119 on official certificates (Exhibit T) J. Mattoon
        1. No Discussion
      9. Recommendation from Steering Committee to approve the Faculty Senate Committees (Exhibit U  )
        1. No Discussion
      10. Recommendation from Steering Committee to approve the revision to the Faculty Senate Constitution to allow the WSU Everett Faculty Senate representation (Exhibit V )
        1. No Discussion
  4. Constituents’ Concerns.
    1. Concerns were brought forward regarding transparency of the budget and it was suggested to have the president, provost and vice president of finance and administration present at a senate meeting for a Q&A session.   It was reported the VP Pearson held a town hall on the budget and that it is available on the senate website.  Also noted that the provost and present are coming to senate on October 31, so questions could be brought to them at that meeting and that VP Pearson is scheduled to speak at the February 20 senate meeting.  It was reported that the chair will bring this forward to administration at the September 24th meeting. Members were encouraged to attend on Vision conference
    2. Chair reported that we have requested that the Fiscal Health Committee provide updates to senate leadership.
    3. Additional concern was the Post Doctorial classification and that it is problematic for them as they are not being eligible for grants under their current classification.  It was noted that the Faculty Manual refers to them two different categories, one as a student and one as a faculty member. It was reported that the Modernization system will have a specific classification for them which will go live July 1, 2020.
    4. Also noted that the constituent concerns on how answers were appearing on the website and how the answers were logged in and the answers to each question. It was reported this technical issue has been resolved this summer and that follow up on the questions are more visible.
    5. Also noted that the Faculty Manual changes in the Information was due to some typographical errors that were addressed. There were no policy changes, just reorganizations. 
    6. It was requested that senators please submit concerns via the Senate website for tracking purposes.
  5. Adjournment.                                                  

                      The meeting adjourned at 4:47 p.m.

                                              Amy Nielsen, Executive Secretary

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