Meeting Minutes: January 21, 2021

Faculty Senate Minutes

Regular Meeting

January 21, 2021

No speaker this meeting

  1. No speaker this meeting
  2. Minutes of December 10, 2020 meeting were approved as circulated.
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items
      1. (Item #2021.01.21_48_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin #7 (Exhibit 48)
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by the Chair – Dave Turnbull:
      2. Information will be provided at our February 4 meeting regarding our upcoming election for Chair-elect.
      3. Senate executives met with the president and provost on January 19, 2021 and discussed the Washington State University system principles and data informed decision-making process.  Doug Call and Dave Turnbull have been invited to serve on WSU System Council to ensure faculty representation.
      4. After the December 10 Faculty Senate meeting, the executive committee felt that there was such strong feeling regarding the use of university funds for the athletic program that we created an ad hoc committee to provide a proposal to the Board of Regents.  Please note that it is Discussion Item #2.  It is also on the Faculty Senate blog to take comments and signatures of support.
  4. Additions or Changes to the Agenda – none
    1. Agenda Items
      1. Action Items
        1. (Item # 2020.12.10_36_PHSC) Recommendation from the Professional Health Sciences Committee to approve Major Change Bulletin #1 (Exhibits 36A   36B) – J. Mattoon 
          1. MOTION CARRIED
        2. (Item # 2020.12.10_37_PHSC) Recommendation from the Professional Health Sciences Committee to approve the proposal to Extend the Medical Ethics Certificate to the Global Campus (Exhibits 37A   37B) – J. Mattoon 
          1. MOTION CARRIED
        3. (Item # 2020.12.10_38_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #4 (Exhibits 38A   38B) –D. Handy
          1. MOTION CARRIED
        4. (Item # 2020.12.10_39_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve a new Certificate in Business of Art (Exhibit 39) –D. Handy
          1. MOTION CARRIED
        5. (Item # 2020.12.10_40_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate Major Change Bulletin #3 (Exhibit 42) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
          1. MOTOIN CARRIED
        6. (Item # 2020.12.10_41_FAC) Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the amendment of the Faculty Senate Constitution, Article III, Section 2, Chair-elect criteria (Exhibits 41A   41B) – S. Hines 
          1. MOTOIN CARRIED
        7. (Item # 2020.12.10_42_RAC) Recommendation from the Research & Arts Committee to approve the Steve Gleason Institute for Neuroscience (Exhibits 42A   42B) – T. Barry/J. Owen
          1. MOTION CARRIED
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item # 2021.01.21_46_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan change on the PSM in Electrical Power Engineering.  (Exhibits 46A   46B) – U. Umesh/G. Wayman
        1. NO DISCUSSION
      2. (Item # 2021.01.21._47_Steering) Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee regarding the Board of Regents Future Action Item: FY2021 Athletics Budget Update and a Plan for Fiscal Recovery (Stacy Pearson/Pat Chun) – V. Walden (Exhibits 47A   47B)
        1. DISCUSSION: Von Walden, the chair of the ad hoc committee provided a brief summary noting that  members had defined talking points and were in unanimous agreement to provide a statement before Board of Regents meeting opposing the transfer of general funds to the athletic department.  It was further noted that the document reflect that the Faculty Senate is not against the Athletic Department and we see it as a value at WSU. Also noted that athletics is not part of the core academic goal, and that we desire an athletic department that we can afford.  Some wording suggestions were noted, and a revision will be provided.  Senators were encouraged to reach out to their constituents to share this document and that comments and signatures of support from faculty, staff, and students will be collected to forward to the Board of Regents.
  5. Constituents’ Concerns
    1. A concern and questions were raised regarding Senate Bill 5323 currently under consideration in the Washington State legislature concerning salary and furloughs.  What impact this might have on individuals who have been promoted or expected to be promoted this year that would normally have a raise, effective July 1.

      What is WSU itself doing on COVID-19 vaccinations?  It was noted that this is among the topics of the COVID-19 townhall next Thursday.

  6. Adjournment     

                      The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.

                                              Matt Hudelson, Executive Secretary

Vote: 0

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