Meeting Minutes: February 18, 2021

Faculty Senate Minutes

Regular Meeting

February 18, 2021

  1. No speaker this meeting
  2. Minutes of February 4, 2021 meeting were approved as circulated.
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items
      1. (Item #2021.02.18_66_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin #9 (Exhibit 66)
      2. Chair Elect Candidate – Christine Horne
      3. (Item #2021.02.18_67_RAC) The Research and Arts Committee approved the center closure of the Washington State University Monoclonal Antibody Center; an application to establish it as a collaborative unit, rather than center status, will be submitted (Exhibits 67A  67B)
      4. Faculty Senate Leadership met with Provost Chilton on February 17, 2021
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by the Chair – Dave Turnbull:
      2. Please continue to remit your remarks, concerns and questions to the Senate blog site as the president and provost do read these and answer in their Q&A on their website.  We have invited the provost and chief of staff to today’s meeting to answer any additional questions.
  4. Additions or Changes to the Agenda – none
  5. Agenda Items
    1. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2021.02.04_49_GSC)  Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan change on the MA in Criminal Justice (nonthesis)  (Exhibits 49A   49B) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      2. (Item # 2021.02.04_50_GSC)  Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan change on the PhD in Criminal Justice (Exhibits 50A  50B) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
        1. MOTON CARRIED
      3. (Item #2021.02.04_51_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan change on MFA, Fine Arts (thesis) – (Exhibits 51A  51B) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      4. (Item #2021.02.04_52_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan change on MS in Electrical Engineering (thesis) (Exhibits 52A  52B) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
        1. MOTON CARRIED
      5. (Item #2021.02.04_53_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan change on MA in Evolutionary Anthropology (thesis) (Exhibits 53A  53B) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      6. (Item #2021.02.04_54_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan change on PhD in Evolutionary Anthropology (Exhibits 54A  54B) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      7. (Item # 2021.02.04.21_60_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate Major Change Bulletin #4 (Exhibit 60) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
        1. MOTON CARRIED
      8. (Item # 2021.02.04_55_FAC) Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the revision to the Faculty Manual: Complaint or of Provost Concerns  II F 6 (Exhibits 55A   55B) – S. Hines 
      9. (Item # 2021.02.04_56_PHSC) Recommendation from the Professional Health Science Committee to approve the proposal to Establish a New Grading Basis (HNS) for the College of Medicine (Exhibits 56A   56B  56C) – J. Mattoon
      10. (Item # 2021.02.04_57_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #5 (Exhibits 57A   57B) – D. Handy
      11. (Item # 2021.02.04_58_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve revisions to Rules 89 (Final Grade Submittal) and 70 (Cancellation of Enrollment)  (Exhibit  58) – D. Handy
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item # 2021.02.18_61_PHSC) Recommendation from the Professional Health Science Committee to approve the Major Change Bulletin #2 (Exhibits  61A    61B) – J. Mattoon
        1. NO DISCUSSION
      2. (Item # 2021.02.18_62_PHSC) Recommendation from the Professional Health Science Committee to approve the revision of Rule 90f, Grades and Grade Points, and Rule 100, The Grade Point System  (Exhibit 62) – J. Mattoon
        1. NO DISCUSSION
      3. (Item # 2021.02.18_63_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #6 (Exhibits 63A   63B) – D. Handy
        1. NO DISCUSSION
      4. (Item # 2021.02.18_64_RAC) Recommendation from the Research and Arts Committee to approve the Center for Cannabis Policy, Research and Outreach (CCPRO)  (Exhibits 64A  64B) – T.Barry/J. Owen
        1. DISCUSSION:  It appears the associated member list is missing some names.  Chair of R&A advised that the exhibit will be updated.
      5. (Item # 2021.02.18_65_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate Major Change Bulletin #5 (Exhibit 65) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
        1. NO DISCUSSION
      6. (Item # 2021.02.04_58_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve revisions to Rules 89 (Final Grade Submittal) and 70 (Cancellation of Enrollment)  (Exhibit  58) – D. Handy
        1. NO DISCUSSION
  6. Constituents’ Concerns

    Numerus concerns were expressed regarding the OneWSU proposal noting its potential for a negative impact to units on faculty across the campuses.  Provost Chilton provided answers and assurance that this proposal was a work in progress for a more cohesive systemness to preserve the things that are working and to change the things that aren’t working well.  It was noted that faculty input was critical and to continue to provide concerns and thoughts. 

  7. Adjournment     

                      The meeting adjourned at 4:57 p.m.

                                              Matt Hudelson, Executive Secretary

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