Meeting Minutes: February 16, 2023

Guest Presentation: WSU Office of Research Updates
  • Christopher Keane, WSU Vice Chancellor for Research & Vice President for Research
  • Dan Nordquist, Deputy Vice President for Research for Operations, Office of Research Support and Operations
  • Kim Christen, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Advancement & Partnerships


The Faculty Senate met on Thursday, February 16, 2023, in French 130D and via Zoom. Sixty- three (63) senators were present with twenty-one (24) absent and twenty-six (26) non-voting members present. The meeting was called to order by Chair, Christine Horne at 4:00pm.


  1. Call to Order at 4:00pm  
  2. Approval of minutes from the February 2, 2023 faculty senate meeting (PDF).
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items
      1. The faculty senate officers will meet with the provost leadership team on February 21, 2023.
      2. The faculty senate chair will present to the board of regents on March 9th, 2023.
      3. 2023-2024 senate Executive Election Candidate Announcement.
      4. (Item #2023.02.16_285_Registrar) CAHNRS, EQJS Summary Bulletin No. 2 (Exhibit 285A)
      5. (Item #2023.02.16_286_Registrar) CCB, EQJS Summary Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 286A)
      6. (Item #2023.02.16_287_Registrar) COE, EQJS Summary Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 287A)
      7. (Item #2023.02.16_288_Registrar) VCEA, EQJS Summary Bulletin No. 2 (Exhibit 288A)
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair, Christine Horne
        1. Faculty Senate Concerns & Activities Table 02.16.2023 (PDF).
  4. Additions or changes to the agenda
  5. Agenda Items
    1. Action items
      1. (Item #2023.02.02_280_AAC) Proposal to extend the BA in Political Science to Vancouver (Exhibit 280A 280B). -P. Sekhar
        1. Approved; 64 approved, 0 reject.
      2. (Item #2023.02.02_281_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 8 (Exhibit 281A 281B). -P. Sekhar
        1. Approved; 62 approved; 62 approved, 0 reject.
      3. (Item #2023.02.02_282_AAC) UCORE Renewals & changes approved by the UCORE committee; Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 282A). -P. Sekhar
        1. Approved; 63 approved, 0 reject.
      4. (Item #2023.02.02_283_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 9 (Exhibit 283A 283B). -P. Sekhar
        1. Approved; 63 approved, 0 reject.
      5. (Item #2023.01.12_274_AAC) Proposal to create a Bachelor of Science Degree in Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences (Exhibit 274A 274B 274C 274D 274E 274F 274G 274H 274I 274J). -P. Sekhar
        1. School of Molecular Sciences concern. -A. Goodman
        2. Eric Roalson – strong recommendation to send this proposal back to the committee.
        3. Clear delineations between programs and request about which committee this would be remanded back to? This is a structural issue. -G. Duncan / D. Jackson
        4. Concern for the order of operations relating to this proposal and timelines. -T. Chauvin
        5. Motion by B. Tanner: to send this motion back to the Academic Affairs Committee seconded by M. Neff.
          1. Opposition to the motion. -J. Miller / A. Ahmed
          2. Request for a revision of the proposal, not every proposal moves forward without revisions. AAC should facilitate discussion to resolve the concerns brought forward by relevant college Deans. – A. Goodman
          3. Concern for major overlap of courses being offered within this program and faculty supply system wide. -E. Roalson
          4. John Sabin McEwen – who would the proposal be sent back to  and how is AAC responsible.
          5. Call to question on the Motion by G. Duncan; seconded by Tracy Klein. 2/3 vote required.
            1. Rejected; 31 approve; 23 reject which means that this measure was rejected. Approval to close the debate.
          6. Motion remains B. Tanner: to send this motion back to the Academic Affairs Committee seconded by M. Neff.
            1. Rejected; 25 approved; 33 rejected. Based on the outcome, this motion will not move back to the AAC.
        6. Poll to move the degree forward: 43 approved; 13 rejects. The proposal passes.
          1. Approved; 43 approved; 13 rejected.
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item #2023.02.16_289_AAC) Proposal to Change the Fine Art course prefix to ART (Exhibit 289A 289B). -P. Sekhar
        1. No discussion
      2. (Item #2023.02.16_290_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 8 (Exhibit 290A). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion
      3. (Item #2023.02.16_291_FAC) Changes to the Faculty Manual Section IV.I regarding the use of faculty authored materials (Exhibit 291A 291B). -J. McDonald
        1. No discussion
      4. (Item #2023.02.16_292_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 10 (Exhibit 292A 292B).  -P. Sekhar
  6. Constituent Concerns
    1. Allan Felsot – formation of an ad hoc committee recommendation related to the compensation strategy forum post.
  7. Meeting Adjourned: 4:58pm

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Hudelson, Executive Secretary

Vote: 0

*It may take up to 30 minutes before your vote shows on the page.


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