The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, January 20th, 2022 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note that voting senators should be logged into zoom. Non-voting members and community members may view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.
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Guest Presentation: Academic Analytics
- Laura Hill, Senior Vice Provost & CAHNRS Professor
- Call to Order.
- Approval of Minutes from the December 9th, 2021 Meeting
- Announcements
- Information Items.
- Faculty Senate Officers met with President Schulz and Provost Chilton on Tuesday, December 14th, 2021.
- Faculty Senate Chair Doug Call will report to the Board of Regents on January 21st, 2022.
- (Item # 2022.01.20_148_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin No. 7. (Exhibit 148A)
- Formal nominations for the Faculty Senate Chair Elect position will open on February 3, 2022.
- The Steering Committee voted to add Eric Shelden, Associate Professor in CVM, to the Committee on Committees for the remainder of the 2021-2022 academic year.
- Reports
- Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Doug Call
- Information Items.
IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.
V. Agenda Items
- Action Items
- (Item # 2021.12.09_137_GSC) Recommended approval to revise the PhD in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology (Exhibit 137A 137B 137C). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
- (Item # 2021.12.09_138_CoC) Recommended approval to revise the Committee on Committees composition language (Exhibit 138A). -C. Horne
- (Item # 2021.12.09_139_FAC) Recommended approval to revise sections III.C.5.b of the Faculty Manual (Exhibit 139). -J. McDonald
- (Item # 2021.12.09_142_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 4 (Exhibit 142A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
- Discussion Items:
- (Item # 2022.01.20_143_GSC) Revision of the PhD in Computer Science (Exhibit 143A 143B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
- (Item # 2022.01.20_144_GSC) Revision of the PhD in Criminal Justice and Criminology (Exhibit 144A 144B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
- (Item # 2022.01.20_145_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin #5 (Exhibit 145A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
- (Item # 2022.01.20_147_FAC) Proposal to add to Section I.B.1.a of the Faculty Manual to page 11 immediately before (1) Faculty Categories (Exhibit 147A). -J. McDonald
- (Item # 2022.01.20_149_AAC) Proposal to Establish New Rule 26 (Exhibit 149A). -E. Silva-Lopez
- (Item # 2022.01.20_150_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 5 requirements and courses (Exhibits 150A 150B). E. Silva-Lopez
- Action Items
VI. Constituent Concerns.
VII. Adjournment
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