Written policy on non vaccine compliance

I understand that Oct 4th is the last day for faculty, staff, and students to finish their vaccine regimen. To continue operations with potential employee loss after Oct 18, unit leadership needs written policies that include

1) Classified Staff. Since these staff members are under a collective bargaining agreement, will this be different than AP Staff? What will happen if they have not either been vaccinated or granted an exemption by this date

2) Undergraduate students who are also WSU time slip employees.

3) Career track faculty

4) Tenure track faculty

5) Graduate students. Will grad TAs lose tuition waivers?

We need a clear written policy in order to plan.
Thank you.

Greg Crouch, Department of Chemistry

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1 comments on "Written policy on non vaccine compliance"
  1. Thank you Greg — HRS sent a partial clarification to all Wsu employees and graduate students on September 23rd indicating that vaccination is a condition of employment. Although it was not clarified in that document, tenured faculty fall under the same provision although the process of termination will be different; leave without pay is likely to be immediate. The Graduate School is issuing clarification about stipends and tuition waivers shortly (confirmed this morning, 29 Sept), but suffice to say that there are likely to be financial consequences with termination of appointments. Questions have arisen about how units should cover lost personnel and so far we are probably in a wait-and-see mode. It is too late to complete a Pfizer or Moderna series in time for the October 18th deadline, but if anyone who is unvaccinated and decides that they want to comply, you still have until October 4th to get a Johnson&Johnson vaccination (single inoculation).

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