Steering Committee


  • Deals with matters relating to agenda, referral, voting, and elections.
  • Acts as an emergency advisory council to the President.
  • May serve as Summer Executive Committee to carry out functions delegated to it by the Senate.

Composition and tenure

  • The Executive Committee including the chair, chair-elect, past chair and executive secretary of the Faculty Senate shall, ipso facto, be members and officers of the Steering Committee. (X)
  • One senator from each of the campuses specifically allotted one or more senators and the chairs of the following committees: Academic Affairs, Admissions & Enrollment, Budget, Faculty Affairs, Graduate Studies, Professional Health Sciences, and Research and Arts. Note that when there are multiple senators representing a campus, or co-chairs of a committee, they are all welcome to attend the Steering Committee meetings, but each campus or committee shall only have one vote. (X)
  • The Faculty Senate Legislative Representative. (X)

Additional notes

  • Responsible to: Faculty Senate.
  • Reports to: Faculty Senate.
  • Principal Assistant, Anna Schilter serves as administrative support to the Faculty Senate Steering Committee.

Steering Committee Roster

Name Rank Constituency Location Start Term End Term
Steering Committee Chair, Eric SheldenAssociate Professor Executive CommitteePullman 20232024
Faculty Senate Chair Elect, Tracy KleinAssociate Professor Executive CommitteeVancouver20232024
Faculty Senate Past Chair, Christine HorneProfessor Executive CommitteePullman 20232024
Faculty Senate Executive Secretary, Matt HudelsonAssociate Professor Executive CommitteePullman 20202026
Faculty Senate Committee Chairs
Praveen Sekhar Associate Professor Academic Affairs CommitteeVancouver20222024
Robin Bond Assistant Dean & Clinical Professor Admissions & Enrollment Committee Chair Pullman 20222024
Li Xu Associate Professor Budget Committee Chair Vancouver 20212023
Judi McDonald Professor Faculty Affairs Committee Pullman 20212024
Erica NicolLibrarian Graduate Studies Committee Pullman 20182024
Gary Wayman Professor Graduate Studies Committee Pullman 20192025
John Mattoon Clinical Professor Professional Health Sciences CommitteePullman 20202023
Pablo Monsivais Associate Professor Research & Arts Committee Spokane 20222023
Jeb Owen Associate Professor Research & Arts Committee Pullman2015*2023
Faculty Senate Campus Representatives
Soobin SeoAssistant Professor (TT)WSU Everett Representative Everett20222025
Gordon TaubAssociate Professor (CT)WSU Everett Representative Everett20232026
Ken RobertsProfessor (TT)WSU Spokane Representative Spokane 20232026
Ayesha AhmedAssociate Professor (CT)WSU Spokane Representative Spokane 20232026
Paul Skilton Associate Professor (TT)WSU Tri-Cities Representative Tri- Cities 20202026
Nelmi Devarie-BaezAssociate Professor (CT)WSU Tri-Cities Representative Tri-Cities 20222024
Alex Dimitrov (Sabatical)Associate Professor (TT)WSU Vancouver Representative Vancouver20192025
Renee Magnan (Sabatical Substitute)Associate Professor (TT)WSU VancouverVancouver20232024
John Barber Scholarly Professor (CT)WSU Vancouver Representative Vancouver20182024
Faculty Senate Legislative Representative
Stephen Bollens Director & ProfessorFaculty Senate Legislative Representative Vancouver20212024

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