Salary Step Ad Hoc Committee

Composition & Tenure

Individual Members

  • The members of the ad hoc committee will be WSU tenure track or career track faculty.

Term of the proposed Ad Hoc Committee

  • The committee will automatically terminate May 15, 2024 unless the Faculty Senate acts to extend it.

Ad Hoc Committee Objectives

  • Investigate how step salary systems at other universities are set up and implemented.
  • Characterize faculty perspectives in those universities with a step salary system.
  • Investigate advantages and disadvantages of such systems.
  • Determine the existence of any legal barriers to implementing a step salary system.
  • Any other objectives that an ad hoc committee might determine as relevant to implementing a step salary system.

Additional Notes

  • Reports to: The Faculty Senate
  • The chair is elected by the committee and is a faculty representative.
  • In January 2023 a constituent concern about WSU’s salary structure prompted the creation of this ad hoc committee in an effort to explore the benefits, costs, and/or risks to implementation of a step salary structure. The Faculty Senate approved the request to establish the Salary Step Ad Hoc Committee on March 23, 2023.
Name Rank Constituency Location Start Term End Term
Committee Chair, Laurie Drapela (F) Associate Professor Criminal Justice, CASVancouver20232024
Gary Chastagner (F) ProfessorPlant Pathology, CAHNRS Puyallup Extension20232024
Brad Gaolach (F)DirectorMetropolitan Center for Applied Research, CAHNRSEverett 20232024
Laura Lavine (F)Professor Entomology, CAHNRSPullman 20232024
Kay Olson (F)Associate Professor Health Sciences, CoNSpokane 20232024
Shannon Scott (F)Associate Professor School of Music, CASPullman 20232024
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