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Athletics Budget Discussion Board of Regents

Dear Colleagues, As many of you know, the athletics budget will be presented as a future action item at the upcoming Board of Regents meeting on November 12 and 13. As a future action item, it will not be put to vote but will be discussed. Linked below is the memo and related materials. In […]

Proposed changes to duration of immigration visas

Since the 1980’s, the U.S. has implemented a temporary admission policy for foreign students (F visa), exchange visitors (J visa) and media representatives (I visa). This has been a “duration of status” policy, allowing flexibility in the duration of stay according to the terms and conditions of the temporary visas rather than according to fixed […]

Threshold for overtime pay is going up

Colleagues – I want to alert you to new over-time eligible salary thresholds that have been adopted by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. You will see from the attached chart that the threshold for employees, including postdoctoral fellows, to be overtime-eligible will climb from $35,100 at present to $49,831 on January 1st. […]

WSU Faculty Senate Meeting November 5, 2020

Guest Presenters: AVP Matt Skinner, WorkDay Update. Minor Change Bulletin #4. Nominations for WSU Faculty Legislative Representative – Stephen Bollens. Faculty Senate Executive Officers met with the president and provost on October 27, 2020. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #2 […]

Spring Break

We understand the goal the WSU administration wants to accomplish by canceling spring break. And we understand they made this decision based on the concern of spreading COVID and bringing back more cases because we also share those concerns. But the logic is skewed, misguided, misinformed, and focusing on the wrong thing. Instead, WSU should […]

Cancellation of spring break

This is an extreme decision made with zero input from students. This is a huge inequitable practice that will cause more harm than good for students. By letting this decision pass, you are putting your students last. Response:  This COVID-19 emergency measure was put forward from the Provost’s Office, discussed during the September 24 and October […]

Cancellation of Spring Break

Spring break needs to be re-instated, my club FormulaVanCougs Electric where we design and build electric racecars use that time to fundraise and meet with potential sponsors to lobby for funding which is vital for our club, we have already missed the time window to apply for senate funding because our campus’s Office of Student […]

Cluster Hire Turnaround

While it is commendable (and perhaps overdue) that the Provost’s office is willing to fund a cluster hire around racism and social inequality, it is, frankly, irresponsible and undermining to demand that full-blown, interdisciplinary proposals, endorsed by college/campus leadership, be completed within only seven days. Such a short timeframe, unreasonable even under normal circumstances, is […]

WSU Faculty Senate Meeting October 22, 2020

Guest Presenters: VP Chris Keane, Office of Research Update, AVP Olivia Yang, Capital Budget Update. Minor Change Bulletin #3. Accepting Nominations for WSU Faculty Legislative Representative. Seeking members for WSU HRS Task Force. Remarks by the Chair – David Turnbull […]