Faculty Manual Project

Faculty Manual Project

Current Faculty Manual (2022-2023)

Current Faculty Manual

Approval Memorandum

Approval Memorandum for Sections II.F.8 and III.D.14

Policy Changes (Fall 2021)

  1. Approved by Faculty Senate on October 7, 2021.  Clarifying language added to Section II.F.8, Summary Suspension and III.D.14, Leave Without Pay.

            Memo from Faculty Senate detailing additions.

Policy Changes (Spring 2021)

  1. Approved by Faculty Senate on February 18, 2021.  Changes from “business days” to “calendar days” made to Investigation of Complaint or of Provost Concerns (Section II F 6).
    1. Redline and Clean versions of changes
  2. Approved by Faculty Senate on March 25, 2021.  Add Section III C 9, Faculty furlough and/or temporary salary reduction in a time of budgetary crisis.
    1. Cover Memo
    2. CLEAN text of proposed Section III C 9
  3. Approved by Faculty Senate on March 25, 2021.  Comprehensive changes from “business days” to “calendar days” throughout the Faculty Manual (Various Sections).
    1. Cover Memo
    2. REDLINE version
    3. CLEAN version
  4. Approved by Faculty Senate on April 8, 2021.  Move teaching portfolio details from the Faculty Manual to the Provost’s Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure (Section III.C.6).
    1. Cover Memo
    2. Redline and clean versions
  5. Approved by Faculty Senate on April 8, 2021.  Provide guiding principles for faculty review (Section III.C.4).
    1. Cover Memo
    2. Redline and clean versions

Policy Changes (Fall 2020)

There were no changes to the Faculty Manual enacted by the Faculty Senate during Fall 2020.

Policy Changes (Summer 2020)

Title IX Required Policy Changes to Comply with Federal Law

Policy Changes (Spring 2020)

  1. Presidential Approval of Faculty Manual Changes on April 13, 2020
  2. Approved by Faculty Senate on March 5, 2020. Faculty Structure (Section I-A) and Termination of Contracts (Section III E):  The Faculty Affairs Committee offers the following changes detailed in the documents linked below concerning Sections I A and III E of the Faculty Manual.  We encourage senators to read carefully the documents below:
    1. Remarks by Senator Weller following the March 5th Senate meeting
    2. Cover Memo
    3. FM Revision Goals and Summary
    4. Section I-A REDLINE
    5. Section I-A CLEAN
    6. Section III E REDLINE
    7. Section III E CLEAN
  3. Approved by Faculty Senate on March 5, 2020. Family leave and stoppage of the tenure clock:  The Faculty Affairs Committee is considering a proposal to provide for an automatic (with opt out) stopping of the tenure clock for faculty who become birth, adoptive, or foster parents. Faculty input is invited.
    1. Proposed faculty manual addition – current draft
    2. Cover memo with rationale
  4. Approved by Faculty Senate on March 5, 2020.  Emeritus Faculty Appointment: To address concerns regarding research laboratory safety and lab management (as it relates to Emeritus Faculty, Section III G), the Faculty Affairs Committee has worked with EHSRMS and the WSU Attorney General’s office to propose the following changes to the Faculty Manual. We include a red-line version of the drafted changes and invite feedback.  The revised documents below are provided in response to concerns raised during the February 20 Faculty Senate meeting.  This proposed change is scheduled as a Discussion Item on March 5 and as an action item on March 26.
    1. Cover memo with rationale
    2. Section III G REDLINE
    3. Section III G CLEAN
    4. (Pre-February 20th Versions)
  5. Approved by Faculty Senate on March 5, 2020.  A cover memo addressed to the Faculty Affairs Committee proposed changes—concerning royalties and trademarks—to Section IV of the Faculty Manual.   We include the cover memo, the original text of the pertinent portions of Section IV, red-line and clean versions, and an invitation to provide comments in the following link:
    1. Royalties and Trademarks: Section IV

Policy Changes (Fall 2019)

  • Faculty Manual in Section IV I: Use of Faculty Authored, Edited Or Prepared Scholarly Material
    • Approved by Faculty Senate October 3, 2019  Due to a 2018 ruling by the Washington State Executive Ethics Board, the Faculty Affairs Committee reviewed new language for Section IV I of the Faculty Manual – Faculty Authored, Edits, or Prepared Scholarly Materials.  This section of the manual specifically covers materials created and required by faculty members in the instruction of their WSU course.  Because of potential personal liability for faculty members, we are advancing this draft language as well as the link to the Grays Harbor case below.  Faculty Senate passed this measure October 3, 2019.

Reorganizational Changes (no policy changes included in this section)

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