Faculty Affairs Committee

Composition & Tenure

  • Eleven faculty, selected with representation from the various areas of the University in mind, with at least three geographical regions represented. Normally, at least one of the members shall be a member of the Senate. To be eligible as a member, usually a person must have served as a faculty member at WSU for at least three years (F).
  • Senior vice provost for faculty development and recognition (X)(#).


  • Makes recommendations concerning policy on appointments, promotion, tenure, and leave of absence.
  • Makes recommendations relating to standards of performance, professional ethics, faculty rights and responsibilities, academic freedom, and faculty compensation.
  • Receives, reviews, and acts upon other policy matters concerning faculty affairs.
  • Maintains liaison with Faculty Status Committee.
  • Consults with the Executive Director of Policy and Governance, the
    Attorney General’s Office, and Human Resource Services, as
    appropriate, for additional guidance on policy and policy changes.
  • Applies the Equity Lens Tool to assess the potential equity impact of a
    policy or policy change.

Additional notes

  • Chair elected by the Committee.
  • Has representation on Budget Committee and Steering Committee.
  • Responsible to: Faculty Senate.
  • Reports to: Faculty Senate and the president.
Name Rank Constituency Location Term Start Term End
Committee Chair, Judi McDonald (F) Professor Mathematics, CAS Pullman 20212027
Heiko Jansen (F)Professor Integrative Physiology & Neuroscience, VCEAPullman 20212026
Chelsea Leachman (F)Librarian Libraries Pullman 20202026
Don Llewellyn (F)Director & Associate Professor Livestock Extension Specialist, CAHNRS Lincoln County Extension20212026
Kristin Huggins (F)Associate Professor Educational Leadership, CoEVancouver 20232026
Michael Neff (F)Professor Crop & Soil Sciences, CAHNRS Pullman 20182024
Ekaterina Burduli (F)Assistant Professor Nursing, CoNSpokane 20192025
Donna Potts (F)Professor English, CAS Pullman 20222025
Martin Maquivar (F)Associate Professor Animal Science, CAHNRS Pullman 20192025
Stephanie Bauman (F)Associate Professor Psychology, CAS Tri-Cities 2019 2025
Sue Marsh (F)Associate Professor Pharmaceutical Sciences, CoPPSSpokane 20222025
Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members
Doug CallSenior Vice Provost Global Health, CVMPullman Office of the Provost Representation Office of the Provost Representation
Matt Hudelson Associate Professor Mathematics, CAS Pullman Faculty Senate Executive Officer Representation Faculty Senate Executive Officer Representation
Anna Schilter Principal Assistant Faculty Senate Pullman Administrative Support Administrative Support

Time Commitment

The Faculty Affairs Committee meets every other Wednesday at 3:00 during the academic year. Normally committee members will spend an additional two hours per month reviewing documents and information. If a committee member volunteers to take the lead on a particular project, then the workload increases depending on the need of the project.

Vote: 0

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