WSU Faculty Legislative Representative/COF Representative Position Details

Time Commitment: The legislative session is long (105 days) in odd years and short (60 days) in even years, and special sessions beyond the cutoff days are not uncommon. During the session, the faculty representative travels to Olympia two to three days per week attending Higher Education meetings and hearings in both chambers, meeting with representatives of other institutions, legislators, and Council of Presidents (COP) and Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) staff. In addition, much time is spent on communicating with other COF members via Zoom, email and phone. Special events include the annual COF retreat (typically in early October), which involves faculty senate leaders from the state’s six 4-year public higher education institutions. The faculty legislative representative also communicates regularly with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and Steering Committee to acquaint faculty leadership with developments going on in the legislature and related entities. Once or twice a year the legislative representative speaks at a meeting of the Faculty Senate for the same purpose. Furthermore, the legislative representative makes regular reports as an ex officio member of the Faculty Senate Steering Committee.

Funding: Funds are provided to the faculty senate (via the Provost’s Office) to cover the expenses of the faculty legislative representative, which may vary depending on individual circumstance, but generally include at least one course buy-out in spring semester (when the legislature is in session) plus travel expenses.

Coordination with WSU: The WSU Office of State Relations (under VP Chris Mulick), and staff have been crucially resourceful in the past. Faculty members who are interested in the position are most welcome to contact the current faculty legislative representative (Steve Bollens), and should not hesitate to contact the WSU Office of State Relations, should there be any questions.

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