Campus and Community Health Task Force

Campus and Community Health Task Force

Task Force Charge

Overall Charge

The Campus and Community Health Task Force is co-sponsored by Washington State University (WSU) Office of the President and the Faculty Senate. The Task Force will identify barriers to expanding community healthcare at WSU, Pullman, and surrounding communities. Whereas immediate needs may focus on expanding mental healthcare services, the Task Force’s larger charge is to consider comprehensive healthcare needs of the campus and community. The Task Force will establish WSU and community partnerships to develop solutions to overcome barriers to healthcare, including provisions of support at various levels (universal prevention, targeted prevention, and intervention). The Task Force will also regularly assess and modify goals as healthcare needs evolve and will make ongoing recommendations toward a sustainable plan. The Campus and Community Health (CCH) Task Force intends to coordinate with and complement, rather than duplicate, any ongoing efforts in these broad areas.


The CCH Task Force was initially formed based on the recognition of a need to fully meet the healthcare needs of WSU-Pullman students. It was further recognized that these needs also applied to Pullman and the surrounding communities. Although high-quality, state-of-the-art services may be available in Pullman (both in the community and on campus), the demand for these services outweighs the supply, often leading to a delay in receiving care. It was also recognized that universal or targeted preventions could be increased to alleviate some of the demand for more intensive interventions.


  • The Task Force will:
    Establish subcommittees/project teams to work on various tasks to meet the Task Force’s goals
  • Gather information on other college/university campus communities, particularly those in more rural regions, to determine their approach to provision of healthcare
  • Review existing services at WSU and in Pullman and the surrounding communities to identify strengths (e.g., successful service delivery formats, access to these services) and weaknesses (e.g., gaps within services, limitations to access)
  • Determine unmet needs for healthcare at WSU and in Pullman and the surrounding communities and identify the barriers to meeting those needs
  • Ensure WSU, Pullman, and the surrounding communities are strategically prepared to respond to increased demands for mental health and other healthcare needs
  • Strengthen connections and collaborations between WSU, Pullman, and the surrounding communities to meet the healthcare needs of campus and community residents
  • Facilitate the establishment of new initiatives that support the wellness of individuals within WSU, Pullman, and the surrounding communities
  • Make recommendations for policy revision, or new policies, that support the wellness of individuals within WSU, Pullman, and the surrounding communities
  • Determine the desire and need to expand the Task Force’s recommendations to other WSU campuses and/or communities

Review and Report

The CCH Task Force will submit the first report to the Office of the President and the Faculty Senate in Fall 2019 with recommendations to facilitate implementation of change and improvement.

Task Force Composition

The CCH Task Force is composed of stakeholders from both the WSU campus and the greater Pullman community and includes a mix of faculty, staff, professionals, and students.

Task Force Membership

WSU Pullman Members

Tammy Barry

Director, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program

Kasee Hildenbrand

Director, Athletic Training Program

Renee Coleman-Mitchell

Executive Director, Cougar Health Services

Greg Crouch

Past Chair and Faculty Representative to the Board of Regents, Faculty Senate

Jennifer Ellsworth

Director, Counseling and Psychological Services

Kate Geiger

Clinical Psychologist, Athletic Medicine

Desiree Jacobsen

Executive Assistant to the Board of Regents, Office of the President

Ken Roberts

Vice Dean for Academic and Community Partnerships
Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine

Ellen Taylor

Associate Vice President for Student Engagement



WSU Pullman Student Members


Undergraduate; Director of Health and Safety, ASWSU

Allison Fisher

Graduate Student; Senator, GPSA; Coordinator, Downtown Pullman Initiative

Pullman Community Members

Michele Beehler

Senior Human Resources Manager at Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories

Gerald Early

Chief Medical and Innovation Officer, Pullman Regional Hospital

Ann Parks

Councilmember, Pullman City Council

Chad Sanders

Clinical Psychologist, Palouse Psychiatry and Behavioral Health

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