Faculty Senate Agenda: April 4, 2024


The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, April 4, 2024 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note: Senators are the only members eligible to vote and should be logged into Zoom. Non-senators and community members are not eligible to vote, and should not respond to prompts to participate in Faculty Senate Zoom polls.

Non-voting participants & community members not interacting with the speakers are encouraged to view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

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You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

Guest Presentation: End of Year Address with President Kirk Schulz and Provost Elizabeth Chilton, Executive Vice President & Chancellor, WSU Pullman (PDF).
  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of minutes from the March 21, 2024 faculty senate meeting (PDF).
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items
      1. The faculty senate executive officers met with the president and provost on Monday, April 1st.
      2. The Faculty Senate Chair, Eric Shelden will present to the Board of Regents on Friday, April 19th.
      3. (Item #2024.04.03_414_Catalog) Minor Change Bulletin No. 10 (Exhibit 414A).
      4. (Item #2024.04.03_418_Catalog) Minor Change Bulletin No. 11 (Exhibit 418A).
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair, Eric Shelden – Faculty Senate Concerns and Activities Table (PDF).
      2. Faculty Senate Tenure & Promotion Recognition (PDF).
      3. Ad Hoc Salary Step Committee Report (PDF).
      4. Remarks by Faculty Senate Secretary, Matthew Hudelson – 2nd round ballots for the Faculty Senate Chair-Elect Executive Election were released by email to faculty senators By Monday, March 25th, and 2nd round ballot counts were reviewed by the Faculty Senate Executive Secretary and the ASWSU President on Wednesday, April 3rd for certification.
  4. Additions or changes to the agenda
  5. Agenda Items
    1. Action Items
      1. Approval of Undergraduate Degrees: I move that the university faculty recommend to the president and the Board of Regents that, effective at the closing dates for each graduating class, those undergraduate students who have completed degree requirements and whose names remain on the “Official List of Degree Candidates” be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the classes of Spring 2024, Summer 2024, and Fall 2024.  -B. Bitter
      2. Approval of Graduate and Professional Degrees: I move that the university faculty recommend to the president and the Board of Regents that, effective at the closing dates for each graduating class, those graduate and professional students who have completed degree requirements and whose names remain on the “Official List of Degree Candidates” be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the classes of Spring 2024, Summer 2024, and Fall 2024. -T. Barry
      3. (Item #2024.03.21_396_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 8 Requirements (Exhibit 396A).
      4. (Item #2024.03.21_397_GSC) Recommended approval of the new Responsible Data Science and Analytics Certificate (397A 397B).
      5. (Item #2024.03.21_398_GSC) Graduate School P&P Change Request – Faculty Manual and Grad Program Roles (Exhibit 398A 398B).
      6. (Item #2024.03.21_399_Catalog) Catalog Subcommittee Course Review Bulletin No. 1 -PHARMEDS 488 / PUBHEALTH 101 (Exhibit *399A).
      7. (Item #2024.03.21_400_PHSC) Professional Health Sciences Major Change Bulletin No. 2 Requirements (Exhibit 400A).
      8. (Item #2024.03.21_401_CRB) UCORE Renewals and Changes approved by the UCORE Committee – Bulletin No. 4 Courses (Exhibit 401A).
      9. (Item #2024.03.21_402_CRB) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 6 Courses (Exhibit 402A).
      10. (Item #2024.03.21_403_CRB) Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin No. 6 Courses (Exhibit 403A).
      11. (Item #2024.03.21_406_FAC) Updates to the Faculty Manual – Major Section II changes and minor mechanical edits (Exhibit *406A *406B *406C).
      12. (Item #2024.03.21_407_Steering) Recommendation to combine the faculty senate constitution and bylaws and eligibility amendments (Exhibit *407A *407B *407C).
      13. (Item #2024.03.21_408_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rule 104, Academic Complaint Procedures (Exhibit *408A 408B).
      14. (Item #2024.03.21_409_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rules 43 and 4 – Fresh Start Policy / Transfer Requirements (Exhibit 409A).
      15. (Item #2024.03.21_410_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rule 6g – Associate of Science Transfer (Exhibit *410A 410B).
      16. (Item #2024.03.21_411_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 9 Requirements (Exhibit 411A *411B *411C *411D).
      17. (Item #2024.03.21_412_Steering) 2024-2025 Faculty Senate Meeting Schedule (Exhibit 412A).
      18. (Item #2024.03.21_404_Motion) Amended motion proposal for the WSU faculty senate to facilitate a public forum (Exhibit *404A 404B).
      19. (Item #2024.03.21_405_Motion) Amended motion proposal for system-level executive job searches (Exhibit *405A 405B).
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item #2024.04.03_413_Steering) Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Steering Committee to carry out all necessary Faculty Senate functions during the period of May 16, 2024 through August 15, 2024.
      2. (Item #2024.04.03_415_AAC) Proposal to Establish the Bachelor of Science in Public Health (Exhibit 415A 415B 415C 415D 415E 415F 415G 415H 415I 415J 415K).
      3. (Item #2024.04.03_416_AAC) Proposal to Establish the Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (Exhibit 416A 416B 416C 416D 416E 416F 416G 416H 416I 416J 416K).
      4. (Item #2024.04.03_417_Motion) Motion proposal to redesign the Faculty Senate Budget Committee (Exhibit 417A).
      5. (Item #2024.04.03_419_COC) Recommendation of new senate committee members from the Committee on Committees (Exhibit 419A).
      6. (Item #2024.03.21_420_Catalog) Catalog Subcommittee Course Review Bulletin No. 2 -PUBHLTH 490 / SOCL WRK 441 (Exhibit 420A).
  1. Constituent Concerns
  2. Meeting Adjourned
Vote: 0

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