Meeting Minutes: January 18, 2024


The Faculty Senate met on Thursday, January 18, 2024, in French 130D and via Zoom. Sixty (60) senators were present with thirty (30) absent and nineteen (19) non-voting members present. The meeting was called to order by the Senate Chair, Eric Shelden at 4:01 pm. Guest Presentation: Faculty Regent, Judi McDonald

  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of minutes from the December 7, 2023 faculty senate meeting (PDF).
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items
      1. The faculty senate executive officers met with the Office of the Provost leadership team on Wednesday, December 13th.
      2. The faculty senate executive officers will meet with President Schulz and Provost Chilton on Tuesday, January 23rd.
      3. The Faculty Senate Chair, Eric Shelden will present to the Board of Regents on Friday, January 26th.
  4. Reports
    1. Remarks from Faculty Senate Secretary, Matthew Hudelson
      1. The Faculty Senate Executive Election for the 2024-2025 Chair-Elect position has opened today. Please refer to the senate webpage for the election timetable, position requirements and application information.
    2. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Eric Shelden
      1. Concerns and Activities Table (PDF).Additions or changes to the agenda
  5. Agenda Items
    1. Action Items
      1. (Item #2023.12.07_372_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 5 Requirements (Exhibit 372A).
        1. Approved; 55 approved, 0 reject
      2. (Item #2023.12.07_373_PHSC) College of Medicine Future Academic Calendar Dates (Exhibit 373A 373B 373C).
        1. Approved; 58 approved, 0 reject
      3. (Item #2023.12.07_374_AAC) Proposal to Establish Rule 48, Enrollment Policy to Maintain Eligibility to Enroll (Exhibit 374A).
        1. Approved; 58 Approved; 0 reject
      4. (Item #2023.12.07_377_CRB) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 3 Courses (Exhibit 377A).
        1. Approved; 59 approved, 0 reject
      5. (Item #2023.12.07_378_CRB) Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin No. 3 Courses (Exhibit 378A).
        1. Approved; 59 approved, 0 reject
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item #2024.01.18_375_FAC) Proposed Faculty Manual updates regarding faculty categories (Section 1.B.1) and clarification on the role of short-term faculty in graduate education (Section 1.B.1.d) (Exhibit 375A 375B).
      2. (Item #2024.01.18_376_CRB) Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin No. 4 Courses (Exhibit 376A)
      3. (Item #2024.01.18_379_CRB) UCORE Changes Approved by the UCORE Committee – Bulletin No. 2 Courses (Exhibit 379A).
      4. (Item #2024.01.18_380_CRB) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 4 Courses (Exhibit 380A).
  6. Constituent Concerns
    1. Considerations for the cumulative effects of the ASE collective bargaining contract, planning, and management of implementation for budget distributions, and university budget pressures. The value and importance of engaging in compensation discussions relating to academic and non-academic creative cost sharing solutions. Concerns for the responsibility of cost distributions for funding and TA sustainability. -E. Roalson, M. McDonell, and P. Thoma
      1. The faculty senate Ad Hoc Salary Step Committee is currently focusing on how to navigate sustainable salary progressions.  -E. Shelden
  7. Meeting Adjourned: 4:24pm

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Hudelson, Executive Secretary

Vote: 0

*It may take up to 30 minutes before your vote shows on the page.


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