Meeting Minutes: March 12, 2015

Faculty Senate Minutes
Regular Meeting
March 12, 2015

The Faculty Senate was called to order by, Craig Parks, Chair on Thursday March 12, 2015, in FSHN T101 at 3:30 p.m. Thirty-three (33) members were present with twenty-two (22) absent and nine (9) nonvoting members present.

Minutes of February 26, 2015 meeting were approved as circulated.

  1. Announcements (Information items).
    1. Information Items.
      1. Senate Officers met with the Provost on March 4, 2015.
      2. Senate Officers met with the President on March 11, 2015.
      3. Graduate Studies Committee has approved new bylaws for the Department of Teaching and Learning: Literacy Education Master’s Program (MA, EdM) and these are available on the department’s website.
      4. Graduate Studies Committee has approved new bylaws for the Department of Teaching and Learning: Curriculum and Instruction Specialization and these are available on the department’s website.
      5. Graduate Studies Committee has approved revised bylaws for the Department of Educational Leadership, Sport Studies, and Educational/ Counseling Psychology: Sport Management and these are available on the department’s website.
      6. Minor Change Bulletin #10 ( Exhibit S)
  2. Announcements (Reports).
    1. Remarks by the Chair.—C. Parks
      1. The Medical School bill was approved by both houses of the legislature.
      2. Reminder to please vote for the Chair-elect position before the deadline of March 24, 2015.
      3. Legislative Representative, Joan Wu has requested to continue for a two year term which would end in 2017. Any other interested candidates should contact the Senate office prior to March 25. If this position is unopposed, Joan Wu will be re-elected by acclamation at the April 2 meeting.
    2. Remarks by President Floyd
      1. Several items were addressed and highlights are as follows:
      2. The Medical School bill passed by a majority and WSU will focus on securing legislative funding. WSU has a good rapport with the governor and legislature. Medical education will be focused on the Spokane
      3. Preliminary discussions with Bellevue College for WSU continue to possibly collaborate to offer courses at the baccalaureate level on the Bellevue campus.
      4. The Provost’s office now oversees Student Affairs.
      5. An overview on capital projects both underway and those planned were described.
      6. Zussis will become “My WSU” this Fall and the program will continue to have major revisions.
      7. A 4% Faculty salary increase was implemented. As a continued effort to support our faculty and junior faculty, increased funding for seed grants is underway.
      8. An overview on high level vacancies was provided and of the recruitment efforts to fill them.
      9. Racial equality is a focus on this campus and the President will meet with members of a fraternity that reported a racial incident. This behavior will not be tolerated.
      10. Full custodial staff will be reinstated.
      11. A question and answer session followed.
  3. Additions or Changes to the Agenda. None.
  4. Agenda Items (Action Items).
    1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal to Extend Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Business Management to Tri-Cities campus (Exhibits F F1 F2) -D. Baker
      1. Motion Carried.
    2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin 9 (Exhibits G G1 )- D. Baker
      1. Motion Carried.
    3. Recommendation From Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #4 Exhibit H )– – D. Baker
      1. Motion Carried.
    4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #7 Exhibit J )– K. Daratha
      1. Motion Carried.
    5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve a new Graduate Certificate: C-NSPIRE, Carbon, and Nitrogen Systems Policy Oriented Integrated Research Education (Exhibits L L1 )– K. Daratha
      1. Motion Carried.
    6. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised graduation requirements for the Department of Mechanical Engineering: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (thesis and non-thesis), and PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Exhibits M M1 ) – K. Daratha
      1. Motion Carried.
  5. Agenda Items (Discussion Items).
    1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal to revise Rule 54 – Undergraduate Minors and Additional Majors (Exhibit N) – D. Baker
      1. No Discussion
    2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal to revise Rule 111 – Undergraduate Major, Minor and College Requirements for Graduation (Exhibit O) D. Baker
      1. Discussion: Are students notified on changes to graduation requirements? It was noted that this rule change is mainly to majors no longer offered, so the students will be aware.
    3. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal to revise Rule 114 – Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees (Exhibit P) – D. Baker
      1. No Discussion.
    4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the Academic Calendar for Fall 2018-Spring 2025 (Exhibit Q) D. Baker
      1. Discussion: A question arose on if this was common to have the academic schedule so far out in advance? The concern was raised about the proximity of Thanksgiving Break and Dead Week and it was noted that the Senate can implement any future changes to this schedule if necessary.
    5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin 10 (Exhibits R R1) – D. Baker
      1. Discussion: Concerns arose on the perceived duplicate Comm 400 course. It was moved and seconded to remove the Comm 400 section and remand it back to AAC and. Motion carried.
    6. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #7 (Exhibit T ) – D. Baker
      1. No Discussion.
    7. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #8 (Exhibit V ) – K. Daratha
      1. No Discussion.
    8. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised graduation requirements of PhD in Nursing Program: decrease core from 56 credits to 34 credits. (Exhibits W W1 ) – K. Daratha
      1. Discussion: A question arose that this matter was raised last year. It was noted that the Director of this program was on sabbatical and now that she is back, they are proceeding with needed changes,.
    9. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the degree name change from MS/ PhD in Botany to MS/ PhD in Plant Biology (Exhibits X X1 X2) – D. Daratha
      1. No Discussion.
    10. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the degree name change from MS/ PhD in Zoology to MS/ PhD in Biology (Exhibit Y Y1 Y2) – D. Daratha
      1. No Discussion
    11. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs to approve the changes to the Faculty Manual – Nonreappointment Letters (Exhibit Z ) J. McDonald
      1. Discussion: Clarification and overview of why the non-reappointment letter was being revamped in wording, timeframes and that it will now only be sent to those on three or five year contracts.
  6. Constituents’ Concerns.
    1. A request to have the needs of the adjunct faculty be reviewed.
    2. A request to have funding restored to reduce the large class size.
    3. A concern over eliminated parking spaces by the renovation of the Old Bookie was brought forth.
  7. Adjournment.
    1. The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
      1. Sheila Converse, Executive Secretary
Vote: 0

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