Meeting Minutes: September 22, 2016

Faculty Senate Minutes
Regular Meeting
September 22, 2016

The Faculty Senate was called to order by A.G. Rud, Chair on Thursday September 22, 2016, in FSHN T101 at 3:30 p.m. thirty-five (35) members were present with twelve (12) absent and five (5) nonvoting members present.

Minutes of September 8, 2016 meeting were approved as circulated.

  1. Announcements (Information items).
    1. Information Items.
      1. The Faculty Senate Officers met with the provost on September 21, 2016
      2. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated Bylaws for the Molecular Biosciences Graduate Program which are available on the department’s website
      3. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated Bylaws for the Fine Arts MFA Program which are available on the department’s website
      4. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #1 corrections for 2015-2016 (Exhibits G G1 ) –G. Crouch
  2. Announcements (Reports).
    1. Remarks by the Chair.—A.G. Rud
      1. The numerous constituent concerns were brought to the provost’s attention. The Provost is willing to come address the Faculty Senate regarding the concerns over the ranking of WSU based upon the SAT scores of incoming students; the cancellation of library journals has been put on hold for one year to gather more input from faculty. It was explained that the university needs flexibility in course delivery and the Provost’s Office trusts the departments to ensure quality. Provost Bernardo will bring the concern over inadequate resources for faculty teaching large classes to all the attention of the deans. The Board of Regent’s and Faculty Senate meet and greet was a great opportunity and a big thank you to all
        who attended.
  3. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.
    1. Motion to move Discussion Item #1 to an Action Item.
      1. Motion carried.
  4. Agenda Items (Action Items)
    1. Recommendation from Steering Committee to amend the composition of the Legislative subcommittee of the Steering Committee (Exhibit E)
      1. Motion carried
    2. Recommendation from Steering Committee to the amend the composition and tenure of membership criteria on Faculty Senate Committees (Exhibit F)
      1. Motion carried
    3. Recommendation from Steering Committee to approve the Faculty Senate Committees (Exhibit D)
      1. Motion carried
  5. Agenda Items (Discussion Items).
    1. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal Renaming of the BA in Apparel Merchandising and Textiles to BA in Apparel, Merchandising, Design and Textiles (Exhibits H H1) – G. Crouch
      1. No Discussion
    2. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #1 ( Exhibit I ) – T. Chauvin/T.Salsbury
      1. No Discussion
    3. Recommendation from the Steering Committee to amend the Constitution and Bylaws – Past Chair Process (Exhibit J)
      1. No Discussion
  6. Constituents’ Concerns.
    1. A concern was raised about the minimum grade point average for certificates. It was reported that AAC has discussed this issue at length and it was determined each academic unit should set their own GPA requirements.
  7. Adjournment.
    1. The meeting adjourned at 3:46 p.m.
      1. Sheila Converse, Executive Secretary
Vote: 0

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