Meeting Minutes: October 23, 2014

Faculty Senate Minutes
Regular Meeting
October 23, 2014

The Faculty Senate was called to order by, Craig Parks Chair on Thursday October 23, 2014, in FSHN T101 at 3:30 p.m. Forty-three (43) members were present with ten (10) absent and eight (8) nonvoting members present.

Minutes of October 9, 2014 meeting were approved as circulated.

  1. Announcements (Information items).
    1. Information Items.
      1. Faculty Senate Officers met with the Provost on October 15, 2014.
  2. Announcements (Reports).
    1. Remarks by the Chair.—C. Parks
      1. Meeting will be turned over to Chair elect, Richard Zack as I will be attending a Regent’s reception.
    2. Remarks by Christopher Coons.
      1. An update on the software transition from Angel to Blackboard was provided that outlined the timeline on integration and the training options available to faculty.
    3. A question and answer session followed.
  3. Additions or Changes to the Agenda. None
  4. Agenda Items (Action Items).
    1. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee on Graduate Major Change Bulletin #1 Exhibit D) – K. Daratha
      1. Motion carried.
    2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee on Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #1 (Exhibits E E1) – D. Baker
      1. Motion carried
    3. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee on UCORE Bulletin #1 (Exhibit F)– D. Baker
      1. Motion carried
    4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee for proposal to revise Rule 53 (Exhibit G) – D. Baker.
      1. This was requested to be referred back to AAC by Chair D, Baker and approved by unanimous consent.
    5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee and Graduate Studies Committee for a proposal to change the name of the Bachelor of Arts, MA and Ph.D. in Criminal Justice to the Bachelor of Arts, MA and PhD. in Criminal Justice and Criminology (Exhibits H H1 H2) -D. Baker and K. Daratha
      1. Motion carried.
  5. Agenda Items (Discussion Items)
    1. Definitions for Defining Centers, Institutes and Laboratories (CILs) (Exhibit K) – L.
      1. Discussion: A question arose regarding the difference between a center and an institute. A request for a clarification in the definition wording was requested.
    2. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Digital Humanities and Culture Certificate ( Exhibits L L1) – K. Daratha
      1. Discussion – It was clarified that the proposed courses were approved by the Senate and are currently being taught. Said certificate has been resubmitted for senate review. An additional question arose asking if this was being taught as an offsite online based degree.
    3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree program (Exhibits M M1) – K. Daratha
      1. Discussion: It was noted that this is a professional doctorate degree and changes reflect the requirements required by the accreditation body. It was also noted there is no change in number of credits.
      2. Discussion: A question arose regarding what effect the proposed requirement changes will have on students currently in the program ? It was noted that students are currently following the proposed requirements.
    4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #2 (Exhibit Q) – K. Daratha
      1. No discussion
    5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #2 (Exhibits N N1) – D. Baker
      1. No discussion
    6. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee for UCORE Bulletin 2 (Exhibit O) – D. Baker
      1. No discussion
    7. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee for proposed changes to the Faculty Manual (Exhibit P) – J. McDonald
      1. Discussion: it was noted that FAC is requesting updates to the bullying policy in the BPPM, which will be referenced within the Faculty Manual. Discussion: it would be beneficial to have an educational component in BPPM. The Senate Officers will bring this up in next meeting with Provost.
  6. Constituents’ Concerns.
    1. The Chair Elect is responsible for populating the various committees on our campus and if you are asked or someone you know is asked to sit on a committee, please accept the request and encourage your colleagues to do so as well.
  7. Adjournment.
    1. The meeting adjourned at 4:06 p.m.
      1. Sheila Converse, Executive Secretary
  8. Hard copies of Exhibits are attached to hard of minutes.
Vote: 0

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