Meeting Minutes: November 3, 2016

Faculty Senate Minutes
Regular Meeting
November 03, 2016

The Faculty Senate was called to order by A.G. Rud, Chair on Thursday November 3, 2016, in FSHN T101 at 3:30 p.m. thirty-six (36) members were present with nineteen (19) absent and eight (8) nonvoting members present.

Minutes of October 20, 2016 meeting were approved as circulated.

  1. Announcements (Information items).
    1. Information Items.
      1. Senate Officers met with the Provost on October 25.
      2. Senate Officers met with the President on November 2.
      3. Graduate Studies Committee has approved bylaws for the History Department and they are available on the department’s website
      4. Graduate Studies Committee has approved bylaws for the Language, Literacy and Technology Program and they are available on the department’s website
      5. Minor Change Bulletin #3 (Exhibit Z)
  2. Announcements (Reports).
    1. Remarks by John Shaheen, Director of Transportation
      1. An overview on parking and transportation was provided.
    2. Remarks by Erica Austin, Vice Provost
      1. A presentation on the INTO partnership was provided.
    3. Remarks by the Chair.—A.G. Rud
      1. A letter from President Schulz was read expressing his appreciation for the work the Senate has done to get the College of Medicine approved.
      2. A report will be given to the Board of Regents on Friday
      3. The Executive Committee met with the President and Provost and relayed constituent concerns
  3. Additions or Changes to the Agenda. None
  4. Agenda Items (Action Items)
    1. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #3 (Exhibits Q Q1) – G. Crouch
      1. Motion Carried
    2. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #3 ( Exhibit S ) – T. Chauvin/T. Salsbury
      1. Motion Carried
    3. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to drop the Graduate Certificate in Molecular Biosciences ( Exhibits T T1 ) – T. Chauvin/T. Salsbury
      1. Motion Carried
    4. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal from the College of Education ( Exhibits U U1 ) – T. Chauvin/T. Salsbury
      1. Rename Master of Arts in Education (Literacy Education) to Master of
        Arts in Education Language, Literacy and Technology Education)
      2. Rename Master of Education (Literacy Education) to Master of
        Education (Language, Literacy and Technology Education)
      3. Discontinue Master of Education (English Language Learners)
      4. Discontinue Master of Arts in Education (English Language Learners)
        1. Motion Carried
      5. Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee to approve changes to the Faculty Manual regarding IV.G.5 Patent Ownership Appeals (Exhibits V V1 ) – B. Walker
        1. Motion Carried.
  5. Agenda Items (Discussion Items).
    1. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #4 (Exhibits W W1 ) – G. Crouch
      1. No Discussion
    2. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #2 (Exhibit X ) – G. Crouch
      1. No Discussion
    3. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve revisions in Rules 105 and 98, Administrative Changes to Final Grades and Correction of Grade Errors (Exhibit Y ) – G. Crouch
      1. Discussion: A question arose asking if there would be an assurance that the faculty member would be properly notified. It was noted that an answer is forthcoming from AAC at the next meeting.
    4. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #4 ( Exhibit C ) – T. Chauvin/T. Salsbury
      1. No Discussion
  6. Constituents’ Concerns.
    1. A question asked why the departments must purchase “Service Permits” and could a number of free permits be given to each department for departmental business? The Chair will follow up with John Shaheen, Director of Parking. It was also requested that the campus planners should be invited to address the senate
      regarding the Master Campus Plan and its impact on parking.
    2. An update was provided on behalf of GPSA President, Melanie Thornton that graduate students will not be affected by the Affordable Care Act and can receive health insurance.
    3. A concern was raised about the hurry to enter into a 15 year contract with the INTO program. The Senate understands the benefit of increased foreign student enrollment and the positive effect it would have on the budget. Because of its impact on the faculty, it seems that this program should come before the Senate for approval. The Chair will follow up on this.
  7. Adjournment.
    1. The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
      1. Sheila Converse, Executive Secretary
Vote: 0

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