Meeting Minutes: December 1, 2015

Faculty Senate Minutes
Special Meeting
December 1, 2015

The Faculty Senate was called to order by Richard Zack, Chair on Thursday December 10, 2015, in FSHN T101 at 3:30p.m. twenty-nine (29) members were present with twenty-one (21) absent and seven (7) nonvoting members present.

  1. Agenda Items (Action Items).
    1. Recommendation from the Provost’s Office on the proposed Discontinuation of Counseling Psychology Graduate Degrees. Exhibit A
    2. Additional Exhibits:
      1. Dean Trevisan Announcement
      2. Brian McNeill Response
      3. Liao Statement
      4. Jeanne Steffen Letter
      5. MSS Letter
      6. Dr. Fernando Ortiz Letter
      7. ASCS Letter
      8. Dr. Ger Moua Letter
      9. Access Center Letter
      10. APPIC letter
      11. UI Letter
      12. PhD Student Support Letter
      13. CCPTP Letter
    3. An overview was provided by the chair regarding this special meeting and the criteria as outlined in the Faculty Manual. The Senate response to the Provost’s will be posted on our website.
    4. Jeanne Steffen, Hsin-Ya Liao and Brian McNeill addressed the Senate regarding the impact the proposed discontinuation would have on them and their program. A question and answer session followed their statements7
  2. Adjournment.
    1. The meeting adjourned at 4:34 p.m.
      1. Sheila Converse, Executive Secretary
Vote: 0

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