Meeting Minutes: March 24, 2022


Guest Presentation: Yakima Consortium Proposal


  1. Call to Order.
    1. Call to Order. The Faculty Senate met on Thursday, March 24th, 2022 in French 330 via Zoom. Sixty (60) members were present with twenty-five (25) absent and twenty-one (21) nonvoting members present. Call to Order by D. Call, Chair at 3:30 p.m.
  1. Approval of Minutes from the March 3rd, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting (PDF)
    1. Unanimously approved
  1. Announcements.
    1. Information Items.
      1. Faculty Senate Chair-Elect results.
        1. The Faculty Senate Election received a 75% voting rate and the following tally results welcome Eric Shelden as the incoming chair-elect of the Faculty Senate
      2. The Faculty Senate Officers met with the President and Provost on March 8th, 2022 and the next meeting with the President and Provost will be on April 6, 2022.
      3. The Faculty Senate reported out to the BoR meeting on March 11th, 2022.
      4. President Kirk Schulz and Provost Elizabeth Chilton will present to the Faculty Senate on April 7th, 2022.
      5. The Faculty Senate chair and chair-elect will be visiting faculty and administrators at the Vancouver Campus on March 31st and April 1st, 2022.
      6. Faculty Senate Exec. & the Budget Committee met with Provost Chilton & VP Pearson on March 7th to discuss the modified RCM Budget Model. A special presentation has been confirmed on April 14th from 3:30pm – 5:00pm to discuss the Budget. An invitation has been issued to all senators to encourage their attendance.
      7. (Item # 2022.03.24_178_Registrar) UCORE Renewals and Changes approved by the UCORE Committee – Minor Change Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 178A)
      8. (Item # 2022.03.24_183_info) Faculty Status Committee – Call for Nominations March 29, 2022 deadline (Exhibit 183A PDF).
      9. (Item # 2022.03.24_184_info) The COACHE Survey will close on April 12, 2022 (Exhibit 184A).
      10. (Item # 2022.03.24_185_info) Federal Funding Update (Exhibit 185A PDF)
      11. (Item # 2022.03.24_186_info) Legislative Update (Exhibit 186A PDF)
      12. Updated faculty senate concerns and activities table (Exhibit A PDF).
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair, Doug Call
        1. Congratulations to our newly promoted / tenured faculty senators & committee representatives for outstanding achievements this year (Exhibit A).
        2. Reminder that all Principal Investigators and their employees are required to complete the Discrimination and Harassment Course Certificate. Please review the linked memo from VP Chris Keane (PDF). The link for completing the task can be found here.
        3. Develop procedures for nominating faculty candidates as faculty regent.
        4. SB 5854 entails revisions to state ethics rules regarding faculty activities.
  2. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.
  3. Agenda Items
    1. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2022.03.03_168_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 8 (Exhibit (168A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
        1. Motion Carried; 53 approved; 0 reject
      2. (Item # 2022.03.03_169_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 8 (Exhibit 169A 169B). -E. Silva Lopez
        1. Motion Carried; 52 approved; 0 reject
      3. (Item # 2022.03.03_170_AAC) Proposal to Establish new Rule 24 to provide basic information about tuition and fees, including relevant websites for students and others to reference (Exhibit 170A). -E. Silva Lopez
        1. Motion Carried; 51 approved; 0 reject
      4. (Item # 2022.03.03_171_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rules 2, 4, and 25 to address gender neutrality (Exhibit 171A). -E. Silva Lopez
        1. Motion Carried; 50 approved; 2 reject
      5. (Item # 2022.03.03_172_FAC) Updates to the Faculty Manual Section II.F.5 (Exhibit 172A). -J. McDonald
        1. Motion Carried; 50 approved; 1 reject
      6. (Item # 2022.03.03_173_FAC) Authorization to update the Faculty Manual as specified in the linked memo (Exhibit *173A updated). -J. McDonald
        1. Motion Carried; 52 approved; 1 reject
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item # 2022.03.24_174_PHSC) Proposal to create the new degree – Master of Healthcare Administration and Leadership (Exhibit 174A 174B 174C 174D). – J. Mattoon
        1. No concerns
      2. (Item # 2022.03.24_175_PHSC) Professional Health Science major change bulletin no. 3 (Exhibit 175A 175B). – J. Mattoon
        1. No concerns
      3. (Item # 2022.03.24_176_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 9 (Exhibit 176A 176B). -E. Silva Lopez
        1. Certificate programs are stand-alone programs that serve in a different capacity than a minor.
        2. Some certificate programs are interdisciplinary, and others are much broader. Generally, certificate programs cover interdisciplinary courses while minors may stay within a department. 
      4. (Item # 2022.03.24_177_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 9 (Exhibit 177A 177B 177C 177D). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
        1. No concerns
      5. (Item # 2022.03.24_179_FAC) Update to the Faculty Manual Section III.G regarding Emeritus Faculty Appointments (Exhibit 179A 179B). -J. McDonald
        1. No concerns
      6. (Item # 2022.03.24_180_Steering) Recommendation from the Steering Committee to approve the 2022 new Faculty Senate Committee members (Exhibit 180A). -C. Horne
        1. No concerns
      7. (Item # 2022.03.24_181_Steering) Yakima Consortium Draft Memorandum (Exhibit 181A). -D. Call
        1. Request for the proposal to be sent out for this proposal
      8. (Item # 2022.03.24_182_Steering) Proposed procedure for nominating inaugural candidates for WSU Faculty Regent position (Exhibit 182A). D. Call
        1. No concerns
  4. Constituent Concerns.
    1. Michael McDonell concerns regarding with HRS and challenges with hiring processes. Entry-level salaries that are being offered to staff is putting a great strain on members of the Health Science department.
    2. Parking services concern and up the rates for parking football RV’s
    3. Monthly Salary concerns and workday considerations
  5. Adjournment. 4:48 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

Matthew Hudelson, Faculty Senate Executive Secretary

Vote: 0

*It may take up to 30 minutes before your vote shows on the page.


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