Meeting Minutes: February 3, 2022


February 3, 2022  

Guest Presentation: WSU Office of Research (PDF)   
  • Christopher Keane, Vice President for Research & Vice Chancellor for Research, WSU Pullman
  1. The Faculty Senate met on Thursday, February 3, 2022 in Lighty 403 and via Zoom. Sixty-four (64) members were present with twenty-one (21) absent and fourteen (14) nonvoting members present. Call to Order by D. Call, Chair at 4:00 pm
  2. Approval of Minutes from the January 20th, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting
    1. Unanimously approved.
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items.
      1. Formal nominations for the Faculty Senate Chair Elect position will open on February 3, 2022.
      2. (Item # 2022.02.03._159_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin No. 8 (Exhibit 159A).
      3. (Item # 2022.02.03._160_GSC) Graduate Studies Committee approval of the Molecular Bio-science, MS, PhD Bylaws (Exhibit 160A 160B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Doug Call
        1. COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation Guidance Tool
        2. Pullman VCAA position announced
        3. Faculty Senate Committee Nomination Form is now open for applications.
        4. New chair-elect nomination site open
        5. Obstacles related to the research enterprise and potential for a Qualtrics survey to gather feedback.
  4. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.
    1. No Additions or Changes
  5. Agenda Items
    1. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2022.01.20_143_GSC) Revision of the PhD in Computer Science (Exhibit 143A 143B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
        1. Motion Carried:  55 approved; 0 reject
      2. (Item # 2022.01.20_144_GSC) Revision of the PhD in Criminal Justice and Criminology (Exhibit 144A 144B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
        1. Motion Carried: 56 approved; o reject
      3. (Item # 2022.01.20_145_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin #5 (Exhibit145A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
        1. Motion Carried: 58 approved; 0 reject
      4. (Item # 2022.01.20_147_FAC) Proposal to add to Section I.B.1.a of the Faculty Manual to page 11 immediately before (1) Faculty Categories (Exhibit 147A Updated). -J. McDonald
        1. Motion Carried: 54 approved; 0 reject
      5. (Item # 2022.01.20_149_AAC) Proposal to Establish New Rule 26 (Exhibit 149A). -E. Silva-Lopez
        1. Motion Carried: 53 approve; 0 reject
      6. (Item # 2022.01.20_150_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 5 (Exhibits 150A *150B updated). E. Silva-Lopez
        1. Motion Carried: 56 approved; 0 reject
    2. Discussion Items:
      1. (Item # 2022.02.03._151_GSC) Proposal to add Nutrition and Exercise Physiology 430/530 Nutrition and the Gut Microbiome (Exhibit 151A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
        1. No discussion
      2. (Item # 2022.02.03_152_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 6 (Exhibit 152A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
        1. No discussion
      3. (Item # 2022.02.03_153_GSC) Revise the PhD in Geology recommendation (Exhibit 153A 153B). –G. Wayman / E. Nicol
        1. No discussion
      4. (Item # 2022.02.03_154_GSC) Revise the PhD in Environmental and Natural Resources (Exhibit 154A 154B). –G. Wayman / E. Nicol
        1. No discussion
      5. (Item # 2022.02.03_155_GSC) Revise the Master of Science in Natural Resources (Exhibit 155A 155B). –G. Wayman / E. Nicol
        1. Concern for exhibit 155 as it relates to the completeness and specific details of the MSNR merge. -C. Capan
        2. Response: the name change is to support the merging of the Masters and PhD titles in order to better define and streamline course information. -A. Felsot
      6. (Item # 2022.02.03_156_FAC) Changes to section I.A.3.b and section III.C.4.I of the Faculty Manual (Exhibit 156A). -J. McDonald
        1. Concern regarding the preference form addressed within the original language of the faculty manual.
        2. Response: the intent of the change is to encourage increased access to voting forms / processes provided by college Deans when there is a change of Chair or Director within the respective college.  
      7. (Item # 2022.02.03_157_Registrar) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 6 (Exhibit 157A 157B).
        1. No Discussion
      8. (Item # 2022.02.03_158_FAC) Changes to Section II.F.10.h of the Faculty Manual regarding Title IX language (Exhibit 158A). -J. McDonald
        1. Concern regarding the redaction of hearsay evidence not being admissible.
        2. Response: the intent to allow third party information may support the third-party member should they not be willing or able to attend the hearing. -J. McDonald
        3. Response: This adjustment complies with federal guidance in support of the information provided by the Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Holly Ashkannejhad. -L. Hill
  6. Constituent Concerns.
    1. Faculty concern for timely and transparent communications regarding the impacts of COVID-19. There is also constituent concern for data reporting and transmission tracking on the Pullman campus. -L. Premo
    2. WSU Vancouver campus concerns as it relates to the impacts of COVID-19 and similar sentiment to the concerns stated above and request for a promotion of health guidance. -A. Dimitrov
    3. Concern relating to the purchasing process as it relates to the loss of university stores and the transition to Workday process. Will WSU implement a punchout / cart system where commonly purchased items are centralized through workday to streamline processes?
    4. Recommendation to follow up on constituent concerns at each Faculty Senate meeting.
      1. Response: the faculty senate blog serves as a space where constituent concerns can be addressed after further follow-up.
    5. Concern relating to Workday especially as it relates to grant accounts and access to working balances. Streamlining processes between administrators and faculty members to have clear account access and understanding of use agreements between various accounts. -M. Neff
    6. Faculty Senate committees / schedules and transparency between Faculty Senators and Committee work. -R. Magnan
      1. Response: Recommendations towards how we can make committee information more transparent is welcome.
  7. Meeting Adjourned at 5:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Matthew Hudelson, Faculty Senate Executive Secretary

Vote: 0

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