Meeting Minutes: November 3, 2022

Guest Presentation: Information Technology Services Review (PDF)
  • Sasi Pillay, Vice President & Chief Information Officer
  • Michael Walters, Assistant Vice President & Chief Information Security Officer
  • Tony Opheim, Associate Vice President & Deputy Chief Information Officer



The faculty Senate met on Thursday, November 3, 2022 in Lighty 403 and via Zoom. Sixty (60) senators were present with nineteen (19) absent and twenty-one (21) non-voting members present. The meeting was called to order by Chair, Christine Horne at 4:04pm

  1. Call to Order – 4:04pm
  2. Approval of Minutes from the October 20, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting.
    1. Last page of the minutes. Initial of first name and last name update.
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items
      1. Faculty Senate Officers will meet with university leadership on November 28th, 2022.
      2. (Item #2022.11.03_237_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin No. 4 (Exhibit 237A).
      3. (Item #2022.11.03_238_GSC) Approval of Politics, Philosophy, and Public Affairs, MA, PhD Bylaws (Exhibit 238A 238B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Christine Horne
        1. Faculty Senate Concerns & Activities Table 11.03.22.
        2. 2020 – 2022 Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Information (PDF).
        3. COACHE committee will be developing a comparison of data between other universities and a timeline for reporting various data.  
  4. Additions or changes to the agenda
  5. Agenda Items
    1. Action Items
      1. (Item #2022.10.20_226_Registrar) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 3 (Exhibit 226A).
        1. No discussion; Approved; 58 approved; 0 reject
      2. (Item #2022.10.20_227_GSC) Recommended Approval of Pavement Durability and Sustainability (Exhibit 227A 227B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion; Approved; 56 approved; o reject
      3. (Item #2022.10.20_228_GSC) Revised Graduate Plan for MS Mathematics –Applied Option (Exhibit 228A 228B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion; Approved; 57 approved; o reject
      4. (Item #2022.10.20_229_GSC) Recommended approval of the “Building Energy Efficient Technologies Graduate Certificate” to the “Energy Conscious Construction Graduate Certificate” (Exhibit 229A 229B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. Confirmation of name change; Approved; 58 approved; 0 reject
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item #2022.11.03_233_AE&SA) Rule 38B Extension Request (Exhibit 233A 233B). -B. Davis
        1. Inquiry: Data Analysis request and context for how many students are affected by this rule. -P. Buckley
          1. Response: Comparison data and detail on the student population that applied and qualified for Rule 38b is still being gathered.  -B. Davis
        2. Inquiry: What are the deliverables from suspending rule 38B in between the last two years? -J. Miller
          1. Response: Review of qualifying students over time helps with rapid prototyping and wholistic assessment of student activity. Having detailed information on this population is helping the university to improve student support. -B. Davis
        3. Inquiry: Conclusions outlining the benefits of Rule 38 for WSU and addressing drawbacks of this rule for the student population. -A. Dimitrov
          1. Response: Students are taking risks by returning to WSU just as any other student that might be returning from the reinstatement process or an academic recess. The intervention is not failing the students, the student is choosing to not participate fully in the intervention. -W. Davis / T. King
        4. Inquiry: Mandatory course attendance and what are the expected increase in workload / equitability of these efforts. The addition of the additional effort that is required by this rule may apply disproportionately to departments that include freshman students. -A. Dimitrov
          1. Response: Asking students to check-in with faculty provides additional touchpoints for these students and alerts instructors to the population that may be needing extra care and can direct students to support networks accordingly. 60% of this population are STEM students. -W. Davis
        5. Inquiry: What % of students that returned to the university under rule 38B left the STEM disciplines. -H. Jansen
          1. Response: This population has only been tracked for one semester, so more data is needed to build out to a larger data set. 2/3 of the Freshman population traditionally shifts their degree program, so identifying what is the driving motivation for the shift is variable.  -W. Davis / T. King
      2. (Item #2022.11.03_232_Ad Hoc) Request from the Senate Floor: Return to In-Person / Hybrid Faculty Senate Meetings Proposal (Exhibit 232A). -A. Goodman
        1. Feedback: Consideration for a trial run of this anticipated plan is requested before an official vote to transfer is finalized. -R. Magnan
        2. Feedback: Not in support of this motion. In the current model, Faculty Senators have equal ability to communicate on issues. An equal senate should be consistent with a platform that facilitates equality through Zoom. Considerations for facilitating community in other alternative and creative ways. -J. Miller
        3. Feedback: Second of J. Miller’s comments and support of the idea thatZoom is an opportunity for equal participation.Michael Dunn
        4. Feedback: Considerations for the idea of a once a year, in-person meeting that rotates between campuses. -J. Sabin
        5. Feedback: Not everyone might be on the same page on their preference from one campus to another. -B. Tanner
        6. Feedback: Visit the President / Chancellor /social occasion at the President’s house / Chancellors house. -J. Mageo
      3. (Item #2022.11.03_231_Registrar) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 2 (Exhibit 231A).
        1. No discussion.
      4. (Item #2022.11.03_234_AAC) Proposal to Establish Rule 60, Student Vaccination Requirements (Exhibit 234A). -P. Sekhar
        1. Feedback: Clarification that this rule would be added to be in compliance with EP43 that has already passed. -L. Premo Confirmation
        2. Response: Confirmation that this clarification is accurate. -P. Sekhar
      5. (Item #2022.11.03_235_AAC) Undergraduate &  Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 4 (Exhibit 235A 235B). -P. Sekhar
        1. No discussion
      6. (Item #2022.11.03_236_Registrar) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 4 (Exhibit 236A).
        1. No discussion
      7. (Item #2022.11.03_239_GSC) Recommended Approval of the non-thesis MA in Political Science (Exhibit 239A 239B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion
      8. (Item #2022.11.03_240_GSC) Recommended Approval of the Supply Chain Management, Certificate (Exhibit 240A 240B).  -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion
      9. (Item #2022.11.03_241_GSC) Recommended Approval of the Bioinformatics, Certificate (Exhibit 241A 241B 241C). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. Feedback: Concern with cross-listing of the course number. The MBIOS 578 required course catalog seems to be missing -H. Jansen
        2. Response: This course is confirming that at least two courses must be taken outside of the primary unit. MBIOS 578 may be missing as a book keeping error, this will be tracked down. -E. Roalson / D. Call
      10. (Item #2022.11.03_243_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 5. (Exhibit 243A 243B). -P. Sekhar
        1. No discussion
  6. Constituent Concerns
    1. The intent of the hybrid model of constructing Faculty Senate meetings encourages an organic opportunity for senator dialogue and engagement on every campus. Rooms have been identified on every campus. Every campus has a room capable and available for senators to connect and conduct business. -A. Goodman
    2. Constituent concerns from the college of Arts and Sciences as it relates to Fall break after midterms and momentum towards an official fall break in accordance with neighboring university practice. -T. Bennefield
      1. This is the only institution that takes a whole week for Thanksgiving and students can really lose momentum. -V. Walden.
      2. For historical context, spring break was coordinated at the same time as K-12 until standardized testing changed the spring break schedule. In tandem with this spring adjustment, the Thanksgiving break was extended to one week to accommodate time being spent with families. There was a study that supported increased retention for first year students when Fall break was pushed back to November during Thanksgiving. The October break was challenged because of the cadence of MWF courses and retention of first year students. -J. McDonald
    3. President spoke about a sustainability group.  CIS constituents are requesting a status update. -L. Premo.
  7. Meeting Adjourned: 4:49.

Respectfully submitted,

-Matt Hudelson, Executive Secretary

Vote: 0

*It may take up to 30 minutes before your vote shows on the page.


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