Meeting Minutes: October 20, 2022

Guest Presentation: Enrollment Management (PDF)
  • Saichi Oba, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management



The faculty Senate met on Thursday, October 20, 2022 in Lighty 403 and via Zoom. Fifty-nine (59) senators were present with twenty (20) absent and twenty-one (21) non-voting members present. The meeting was called to order by Chair, Christine Horne at 4:08pm

  1. Call to Order. At 4:08pm
  2. Approval of Minutes from the October 6, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting.
    1. Minutes are approved
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items
      1. Faculty Senate Officers met with university leadership on October 11th, 2022.
      2. (Item #2022.10.20_225_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin No. 3 (Exhibit 225A).
      3. (Item #2022.10.20_230_Exec) Field Research Safety Guide (Exhibit 230A). -D. Call
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Christine Horne
        1. Faculty Senate Concerns & Activities Table 10.20.2022
        2. Adjustment to management of wait-list
  4. Additions or changes to the agenda
    1. No additions or changes
  1. Agenda Items
    1.  Action Items
      1. (Item #2022.10.06_217_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 2. (Exhibit 217A 217B). -P. Sekhar
        1. No discussion -52 approved; 0 reject
      2. (Item #2022.10.06_221_GSC) Recommended Approval of the Constraints Management Certificate (Exhibit 221A 221B 221C). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion -55 approved; 0 reject
      3. (Item #2022.10.06_222_GSC) Recommended addition of the Graduate Plan PhD in Economics — Health Economics (Exhibit 222A 222B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion – 53 approved; 0 reject
      4. (Item #2022.10.06_223_GSC) Recommended addition of the Graduate Plan PhD Economics – Development Econ (Exhibit 223A 223B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion – 54 approved; 0 reject
      5. (Item #2022.10.06_224_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 3 (Exhibit 224A 224B). -P. Sekhar
        1. No discussion -54 approved; 0 reject
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item #2022.10.20_226_Registrar) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 3 (Exhibit 226A).
        1. No discussion
      2. (Item #2022.10.20_227_GSC) Recommended Approval of Pavement Durability and Sustainability (Exhibit 227A 227B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion
      3. (Item #2022.10.20_228_GSC) Revised Graduate Plan for MS Mathematics –Applied Option (Exhibit 228A 228B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion
      4. (Item #2022.10.20_229_GSC) Recommended approval of the Building Energy Efficient Technologies Graduate Certificate (Exhibit 229A 229B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion
  1. Constituent Concerns
    1. Inquiry on the idea that the University of Washington is considered higher value than WSU. What would it take for WSU to increase its perceived value. -A. Dimitrov
    2. This is the first year that WSU included career track faculty in the AAUP report. Is the inclusion of career track faculty salaries required for submission by all universities? Or did the Office of Institutional Research report transparent data that resulted in a negative outcome for WSU’s ranking in the US News Report. -J. Schneider
      1. Fran Hermiston director of IR communicated that some universities do report the career track faculty salaries but not all. The guidelines for reporting to the US News Report is not necessarily clear and was not the only factor in the WSU ranking shift.
    3. Salary inversions concern as it relates to new associate professor salaries. V. Walden
      1. Salary equity program is designed to help identify faculty that fall into the category of being impacted by salary inversions the most. -L. Hill
    4. Faculty and Instructor displeasure with the access center relations and agreement on accommodations. -V. Walden
      1. Faculty liaison to the Access Center P. Buckley communicated that negotiations for student time accommodations are not negotiated by the student. The Access Center establishes the extended time allowance based on the recommendation of the faculty. -V. Walden
    5. Inquiry regarding the vote from last meeting regarding the EQJS designation and the pending re-written guidelines. When will the new guidelines be outlined for departments to gain compliance with the new diversity guidelines. -J. Bonzo
      1. C. Horne will follow up
    6. Staffing issues concerns with the Pullman Access center. -J. Sabin-McEwen
      1. The volume of Access Center Accommodations requests seems to be increasing and Access Center employee capacity has been reduced due to staffing shortages. -P. Buckley
      2. Horne will follow up
    7. Concern for the idea of fewer classes and fewer programs and increased class sizes as it relates to the quality of education. -A Dimitrov / P. Skilton
  2.  Meeting Adjourned: 4:32

Respectfully submitted,

-Matt Hudelson, Executive Secretary

Vote: 0

*It may take up to 30 minutes before your vote shows on the page.


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