Meeting Minutes: October 6, 2022


October 6, 2022

Guest Presentation: WSU Student Affairs & Student Care (PDF)
  • Ellen Taylor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
  • Jenna Hyatt, Dean of Students & Assistant Vice Chancellor
    • Student Well-Being Presentation (PDF)
    • Questions: How is information being disseminated to students and what are the best ways for faculty to share this information. -J. Miller
      • Response: Digital targeted communications are already being sent out, so faculty do not need to take on that additional task.
      • Dean of Students Webpage: Campus Resources & Support
    • Question: Mandatory Reporting inquiry. -P. Buckley / J. Sabin McEwen
    • Question: Employee Assistance request -B. Gaolach



The faculty Senate met on Thursday, October 6, 2022 in Lighty 403 and via Zoom. Fifty-seven (57) senators were present with twenty-two (22) absent and forty-five (45) non-voting members present. The meeting was called to order by Chair, Christine Horne at 3:59 pm.

  1. Approval of Minutes from the September 22, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting
  1. Announcements
    1. Information Items
      1. Faculty Senate Officers will meet with university leadership on October 11th, 2022.
      2. (Item #2022.10.06_216_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin No. 2 (Exhibit 216A).
      3. (Item #2022.10.06_218_GSC) Approval of Fine Arts, MFA, Bylaws (Exhibit 218A 218B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
      4. (Item #2022.10.06_219_GSC) Approval of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology PhD Bylaws (Exhibit 219A 219B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
      5. (Item #2022.10.06_220_GSC) Approval of the School of Molecular Bioscience Bylaws (Exhibit 220A 220B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Christine Horne
        1. Faculty Senate concerns and activities table.
  1. Additions or changes to the agenda
    1. No additions or changes to the agenda
  1. Agenda Items
    1. Action Items
      1. (Item #2022.09.22_202_GSC) Recommended approval of the revised degree, MS in Environmental & Natural Resource Sciences (thesis) (Exhibit 202A 202B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman / Lisa Shipley
        1. No discussion – 54 approved; 0 reject
      2. (Item #2022.09.22_203_GSC) Recommended approval of the revised degree, MS in Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences (non-thesis) (Exhibit 203A 203B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman / Lisa Shipley
        1. No discussion – 54 approved; 0 reject
      3. (Item #2022.09.22_204_GSC) Recommended approval to drop the degree plan for MS in Geology (nonthesis) (204A 204B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion – 53 approved; 0 reject
      4. (Item #2022.09.22_205_GSC) Recommended approval of the revised degree, MS in Geology (thesis) (205A 205B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion – 53 approved; 0 reject
      5. (Item #2022.09.22_208_GSC) Recommended approval of the new Certificate for Veterinary Internship and Veterinary Residency (Exhibit 208A 208B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. Request: Inquiry relating to the rationale of certificate credit ranges (6 credits – 60 credit certificate ranges) and rational for certificate credits. Could there be more evidence provided to support the benefit of a certificate vs. a master’s degree. – H. Jansen
        2. Response: The veterinary certificates are unusual in the number of credits for this program. This certificate has a benefit as it relates to the specific residency program match.
        3. 49 Approved; 1 reject
      6. (Item #2022.09.22_209_GSC) Recommended approval of the Revised Certificate in Protein Biotech. (Exhibit 209A 209B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion – 49 approved; 0 reject
      7. (Item #2022.09.22_210_AAC) Proposal to Establish a new UCORE Designation, EQJS, Pursuing Equity and Justice (Exhibit 210A 210B). -P. Sekhar
        1. Clarification: To approve the creation of a new UCORE designation and concern for capacity to offer these courses. -P. Buckley / J. Bonzo
        2. Response: The proposal addresses both the UCORE designation and also votes to update the UCORE requirements. Under this proposal students will be required to complete 6/7 of the UCORE designations. Departments can require completion of 7/7 designations, but flexibility is provided to the department as it relates to requirement.
        3. 45 approved; 4 reject
      8. (Item #2022.09.22_212_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 212A 212B). -P. Sekhar
        1. No discussion – 51 approved; 0 reject
      9. (Item #2022.09.22_213_GSC) Revision for M.S. in Statistics (Exhibit 213A 213B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No Discussion – 55 approved; 0 reject
      10. (Item #2022.09.22_214_GSC) Recommended approval of the CySER Certificate (Exhibit 214A 214B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No Discussion – 52 approved; 1 reject
      11. (Item #2022.09.22_215_Registrar) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 215A).
        1. No Discussion – 56 approved; 0 reject
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item #2022.10.06_217_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 2. (Exhibit 217A 217B). -P. Sekhar
        1. No discussion
      2. (Item #2022.10.06_221_GSC) Recommended Approval of the Constraints Management Certificate (Exhibit 221A 221B 221C). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion
      3. (Item #2022.10.06_222_GSC) Recommended addition of the Graduate Plan PhD in Economics — Health Economics (Exhibit 222A 222B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion
      4. (Item #2022.10.06_223_GSC) Recommended addition of the Graduate Plan PhD Economics – Development Econ (Exhibit 223A 223B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        1. No discussion
      5. (Item #2022.10.06_224_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 3 (Exhibit 224A 224B). -P. Sekhar
        1. No discussion
  1. Constituent Concerns
    1. HRS Employment Engagement Survey inquiry on upcoming vendor resolutions and survey plans. Request on the release of the COACHE survey results? 
      1. Response: The HRS Employment Engagement Survey has an anticipated return date of Spring 2023 pending vendor confirmation. The timeline for the COACHE survey results has not yet been determined. The committee supporting with the COACHE survey will be meeting later in October.
  1. Meeting Adjourned: 4:24pm

Respectfully submitted

Matthew Hudelson, Faculty Senate Executive Secretary

Vote: 0

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