Global Campus Hiring For Instruction


Has faculty senate thoroughly discussed what it means for Global to be a campus, particularly if it begins to hire for instruction? With the new budget model, there may be reason to be concerned about the investments units and colleges have made in Global courses and majors, and that enrollment moving forward would then instead go to the Global campus when other units/colleges had been investing in it (with the expectation that revenues would come). I suspect that current staffing models vary quite a bit, with different units using a range of tenure track faculty, career faculty, graduate students and adjuncts to teach on Global.

  1. Do we know what that mix looks like across units and disciplines?
  2. With that information, what then are the implications? And unless Global is going to staff ALL courses fairly immediately, what kind of constraints is a partial staffing model going to put on chairs/directors trying to coordinate staffing across the Pullman and Global campuses?
  3. Would chairs/directors do assignments or would someone on the Global campus make assignments with their hires (and what would coordination look like)? With the full range of courses on both campuses, chairs and directors have more degrees of freedom to staff courses.
  4. What is the impact on the research mission of the university? If staffing is career-track, most do not contribute to graduate education and research much if at all. Taking away teaching that departments are doing for Global that currently involves tenure track faculty or graduate students will continue to erode our FTE for research and scholarship.
  5. Again, how much does this influence different departments/schools across campus. Do we know?

It seems important for there to be discussion, and there is likely a need for a white paper outlining the current budgeting of Global, what the new budget model will change, and how extensive the changes will be felt across colleges and departments/schools. I’m familiar with several departments that will be harmed extensively by Global hiring independently of Pullman. Are they the exceptions? It matters. And we should look before we leap.

Anonymous Faculty 


Faculty Senate Officers are in conversation with Global. More information will follow. ~(12/13/2022)


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