Football Game Parking Impacts For Those Who Have to Be On Campus to Teach


There is concern from faculty and graduate students about the football game within the week, and the blocking of parking spaces. For some of our faculty and graduate students this poses a problem as there are, for example, night labs till 10pm. We were wondering whether those who are required to be on campus to teach could be issued a special permit to park so they can meet their teaching obligation.

Eric Roalson
School of Biological Sciences, CAS Senator


I contacted Chris Boyan at Transportation Services. He said that in addition to buses, there are some parking spaces available first come, first served (these are on the edges of campus). He encourages people to reach out to Transportation Services for help with their specific situation.

Christine Horne
Faculty Senate Chair


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5 comments on "Football Game Parking Impacts For Those Who Have to Be On Campus to Teach"
  1. I am sorry, but I do not consider this to be an adequate response. There are faculty and graduate students who are required by the university to be on campus teaching and to say that they are out of luck or there are a few spots on the edge of campus you can fight over just does not address the issue. Again, these faculty and graduate students are required to be on campus to teach and there should be a more reasonable accommodation of their needs.

  2. There is additional concern for faculty and students with disabilities. I have been previously informed by transportation services that if I pay the $20 for a general admission ticket on a game day that I can park in the disabled parking spots in the CAF parking lot nearest the building in which I work… as my job… that I am required to do to earn my salary… and that I am apparently required to do prior to 3 pm on the game day. Leaving work by 3 pm on a Thursday (and taking annual leave to do it) while planning/preparing a lecture to be given at 8:10 am the following morning does not seem like an adequate option. I am not trying to be male donkey crossed with a horse, but I do not plan to move out of the space I will be in that day and will look forward to seeing if there is a ticket on my car when I leave.

  3. Eric, this Thursday game on 10/27 happens once every three years to satisfy the Pac-12 Network televising. At least that is what Elson and Warwick said at the time. It is a pain but what to do? I ack your lab concerns. I am going to Zoom my Thursday afternoon class that day. Not a good look academically but and this is off point, there was a plan to put the stadium off campus with great parking but the faithful would have none of that. So here we are.

  4. Parking services needs to allow more flexibility on parking zones during football times. For example, Yellow 1 is used for RVs, but yellow 1 holders are not allowed to park in yellow 2-4 spots even though the cost is the same. Yellow pass holders should be able to park in any yellow. This type of flexibility will help to accommodate the RVs and those who work here.

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