An Increase in the Number of Surveys We Are Asked to Take

Forum Post

Over the years, I have tried to be a good citizen and have responded to all the surveys I have been requested to take. However, the number I receive each year both internally from WSU and externally from many organizations has become daunting, and I am almost to the point where I’m just going to stop taking them. This year alone we’ve received the COACHE survey, the Strategic Plan survey, the Teaching Academy Assessment survey, the CougContact research study survey, the IRB/HRPP Customer Satisfaction survey, the Work-Life Balance survey, the WSU Faculty Library survey, the Office of Research Services survey, the VCEA Schweitzer Engineering Hall design survey, and possibly others I’ve not saved. At the same time, I’ve filled out seven other surveys from multiple organizations, and I’ve ignored at least as many. We’re told all of these surveys are important and will only take n minutes, but inevitably (for me, at least), they take longer. I don’t know what the Faculty Senate can do about this, but Qualtrics and other free survey tools have made it too easy for groups to create surveys, so I think things will only get worse. I create surveys for my students, but at least I give them extra credit for taking them. The surveys from WSU just add to our stress and to our unrewarded activities.

Anonymous Faculty Member


We raised this issue with leadership. They understand the concern and are working on solutions, including a more centralized vetting of surveys and more targeted distribution of surveys to relevant audiences. We will provide updates on progress.

Christine Horne
Faculty Senate Chair


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