Faculty Appointment Salary Distribution

Dear Colleagues – many faculty at WSU have 9-mo appointments whereby salary is distributed for the 9-month academic year, but not during the summer months. WSU has never been in a position to spread checks from <12-month appoints across 12 months. There are some complicated accounting reasons for this and while it is technically feasible, there is significant institutional overhead associated with such a service.

If you prefer to have your paycheck divided over 12 months, you have the ability to manage this through Workday. You do this by having a portion of your monthly paycheck distributed to a second bank account that you designate as your summer budget. By doing so, you maintain complete control over your money including earning interest and having these funds immediately available in case of an emergency. Plus, WSU does not have to assume more overhead expenses to manage faculty money that has already been earned and taxed. Importantly, dividing your paycheck in this manner has no implications for your taxes. Dividing your paycheck in this manner also has no implications for your appointment. That is, your 9-month appointment and commitment to the university does not change just because you distributed the funds to different personal accounts.

To setup this option, please see the Jira Service Desk

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Photo of Faculty Senate Chair, Doug Call


Douglas Call
Faculty Senate Chair

Vote: 0

*It may take up to 30 minutes before your vote shows on the page.


1 comments on "Faculty Appointment Salary Distribution"
  1. Related to this, I was asked by a CT faculty member why 9 month contracts started just days before the AY begins, rather than August 1, when most people begin to prepare for the fall term, especially those who teach 3-3 or 4-4 loads with several preps. Is this a University wide practice or even some sort of state policy? Or, is this something colleges could decide on their own. In other words, could colleges add two weeks onto the 9 month contract if they deemed that fair compensation for work performed? Thank you!

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