Global Hiring of Faculty


Hi all,

All hiring of faculty should be done by the subject matter department and within disciplines. Faculty in departments know the requirements and the qualifications necessary to teach in their discipline in a way that Global campus does not and cannot. Should any monies be allocated for hiring to bolster teaching in Global, those monies would be best spent by faculty and on faculty within departments whose classes are affected.

Best to you,

Anonymous Constituent


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I reached out to Chancellor David Cillay to find out more. There are nascent discussions about Global Campus hiring faculty, but David assured me that (1) nothing has been decided and nothing is likely to be decided in the near future, (2) Global Campus is integrated into the WSU system and will not be apart from that role (in contrast to, for example, the global campus at Colorado State Univ.), and (3) any hiring would be in partnership/collaboration with the subject matter departments involved. That is, if Global does eventually hire faculty, this will happen through departments, not as a separate effort. Sincerely,

Douglas Call,
Faculty Senate Chair.


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