Costs to Move The President Downtown

What are the costs of moving the president and the Office of the President to Downtown Pullman? What are the costs of moving the chancellor/provost into the president’s former office suit? What are the benefits, beyond symbolic?

Like concerns about the creation of more administrative positions, one has to question if this is a priority given the ongoing budgetary challenges and the endless demands to faculty and staff to do more with less.

David Leonard
School of Languages, Cultures and Race


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1 comments on "Costs to Move The President Downtown"
  1. Thanks for your comment David — during the last FS Exec meeting (22 Feb) with the President, he told us about the move and said that these expenses will be covered by development funds. The goal is to put some distance between the President’s Office and the Chancellor’s Office. When these aren’t separated, people tend to bypass the Chancellor as learned from leadership at other institutions with similar structure. Consequently, it is intended to be both a functional and respectful separation. Sincerely, Doug Call, Faculty Senate Chair

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