Addressing Workplace Misconduct

Dear Colleagues:

We recently completed a Qualtrics survey for information about the challenges that faculty face with staff recruitment and retention. As part of this survey, we received several responses on unrelated topics. In a couple cases, we received comments suggesting that the respondent has encountered issues of sexual discrimination, retaliation, favoritism, and nepotism. I want to emphasize that WSU is publicly and fully committed to creating a workplace free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.  If any WSU employee encounters such situations, we strongly encourage you to report your concerns to WSU’s office of Civil Rights and Compliance (CRC) for follow up:

At the end of the day, we can’t control things like pay raises from the state legislature, but we can control issues that impact the quality of our day-to-day work environment. We can and must do better, but it also requires trust and a willingness to seek help. I’m personally familiar with the staff at CRC and I can vouch for their dedicated efforts to address the wrongs committed by a minority of individuals. Please reach out if you need help.

Photo of Faculty Senate Chair, Doug CallSincerely,

Douglas Call, Faculty Senate Chair

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